MovieChat Forums > Regarding Henry (1991) Discussion > Was Henry abusive to his daughter? (spoi...

Was Henry abusive to his daughter? (spoiler alert)

Was the old Henry abusive? Not necessarily physically, but perhaps emotionally abusive? Before he was shot? From the way his daughter panicked when she spilled her orange juice.


I think there's a few answers for that question as to everyone has their own opinion on something like this.

Maybe strict is the word and abusive isn't. If he came right out and said she was an idiot for spilling something then I'd say he was, but he lectured her about why she shouldn't bring food out of the kitchen (or drinks). I think it was just him being in control, bossy, orderly, strict, and mean. Abusive never came to mind, but like I said it could come across differently to other people.

R.I.P Bernie.


He was a self-absorbed *beep* with a temper, basically just strict, I guess you could consider that abuse, but in that case many parents are.


Pre-bullet Henry was arrogant and he treated most everyone with a degree of condescension, including his family. I think some people become more pure authority figures than nurturers. They forget their kids are sensitive human beings. I wouldn't say he was abusive to her, but he didn't really seem to show her (or Sarah) any love.


Well, I'd say abusive is an overstatement. I'd say he was merely overly strict is all. The way his daughter reacted in that scene...she was afraid of disappointing him. And then he knocked his own over on purpose, to show he was no longer that person, a pompous jerk.


I wouldn't say he was abusive per say, but he certainly didn't really pay her much attention, was overly strict, self righteous and selfish. When Sarah prompted him to apologise to Rachel for shouting at her earlier, instead of really apologising, he half heartedly says he lost his temper BUT he wouldn't have done if she hadn't have spilled juice on the piano and then continued to reprimand her! Then, adding insult to injury, he bragged about winning a case (of which he did so evily) and expected her to be happy for him. Some apology!


well at 12 years old she shouldn't need a sippie cup.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.
