MovieChat Forums > Regarding Henry (1991) Discussion > What kind of dog is Buddy?

What kind of dog is Buddy?

The dog in "Regarding Henry" - the one they called Buddy - what kind of dog is he? My wife and I want to get a dog just like him.


I'm pretty sure that Buddy is a Beagle. I'm not 100% sure, but if you enter beagle in a Google search, the dogs look to be the same as Buddy.


It's a Beagle, my cousin has had them for 24 years.


Look out. Yappy and prone to run away. Real cute the floppy ears!


Probably says more about you than the breed.


Actually, no, the other poster is right (about the breed being very "yappy" kinds of dogs). My mother owned a Beagle and hated it. She said it barked non-stop, and also chewed the furniture all the time.

So, if you don't have the patience for that kind of dog, and you aren't prepared to invest a lot money in chew toys, don't get a Beagle.



Buddy was pretty damn cute. Check him out trying to walk like a human in the very last scene.


That was the point in my own review: 'I wanna be part of the family too!' Doggies are much, much smarter than we 2-legged kind give them credit for. Keen of you to recognize that Captain Bob ~from Bob in Tucson.


That bit always gets to me, sometimes even chokes me up. He wants to be taller . . . he wants to be up there with everybody else. But of course, he can't. Makes me sad.


He is a beagle.

I work with dogs and many beagles are very energetic and SMART. Smart can be great if you have time to spend with them. Smart is very bad if you plan to kennel this dog 16 hours a day. I'm seeing that more and more. Dogs are kenneled for eight hours or longer while their owners are at work, then kenneled X number of hours to sleep at night.

Don't get a beagle (or any other dog) if that is your plan, these dogs need interaction and stimulation, they can be taught a lot of tricks and other training...but only if you have the time or energy.

All typos are hereby blamed on my iPad.


A beagle like Snoopy! I liked the last scene where Buddy walked into the school auditorium with Henry and Sarah to get Rachel.


Yes, dogs (& cats) are meant to be a part of the family & should br treated as such. They need love, attention& a good vet. When choosing a dog, a person should look up the character traits of different dogs & choose according to your family ' s lifestyle. Then adopt one from a shelter or rescue. They are great companions & friends.

