MovieChat Forums > The Rapture (1991) Discussion > My relationship with God goes like this

My relationship with God goes like this

And everyone read very closely and that includes all you bible-thumpers out there.

When I was a baby, my sisters and I were all baptized in a Catholic church, we were brought up as Catholics. My father was an abusive husband to my mother and sometimes to my sisters and myself but I had forgotten that and I never really knew the truth. We left him in the middel of the night and stayed with a woman we call 'Mama Iris' she is our adopted grandmother and my mom's substitute mom. Years went by, my mother and father divorced, I never heard from my dad as often as I would have liked and for good reasons. Then I became a teenager, 15 years old and I asked my mom for the truth about her reasons for divorcing him. I was crushed, devastated because in all of my memories of my father, they were always happy and joyful but I couldn't understand why my father would be so harsh on my mom and so kind to me? So I went to seek counsling and I went every week, crying, screaming, angry. And after my sessions with my counlor, I would go to the chapel and talk to God. Loudly and anger, I ask why is my dad this way, why am I without a father? Why did give me him for a father? I was so out of it that I couldn't stand going out, I would go to the mall and I hate seeing little girls bonding with their fathers, I hated them so much that I wanted them dead. Then my counlor decided the time has come for me to confront my dad and get my *beep* off of my chest. Then after that, my mom insisted that we and my sisters go take a road trip to Washington DC. To visit my aunt on my dad's side, I didn't want to go, even though a road trip is exciting to do but I was not interested. So I went and for those of you who have been in Washington, you will get this picture I am about to paint. My mom, my sisters, my aunt and myself went strolling around the place in DC and then we headed to the Lincoln Memorial. But we rested at a water fountain and there I made a wish in the fountain, I wanted a father that I could love without shame then we pressed on to the memorial. Oh Boy! was it was hot as Hell there? I was exhausted from all the walking but in truth I was walking for my own reasons and I didn't want to stop walking, I was looking for a father. Then when we reached the memorial I sat on the ground and broke down into tears, I was sobbing and no one noticed, not even my family, they just thought that I was tired and pissed from the long and hot walk. All of a sudden this roll of black and gray clouds with flashes of lighting and thunder came rolling from the east and covered the sky. I was scared, everyone took shelter in the memorial, the storm was blazing and crazy, it looked like a hurricane. Then I walked to the statue of Lincoln and looking at the his left hand, I saw a white dove perched on the hand. It stayed there through out the storm, not moving away or even moving to the shoulders. Then 30 minutes later, the storm died down and the sky was still gray and black but then (If you have been to the Lincoln memorial, you can see the Washington Monument straight ahead) Out in front of me and everybody else, there this HUGH, enormous and beatiful rainbow that was right over the Washington Monument. I felt a sense of inner peace and I could a voice or a thought that was telling me 'Everything was going to be okay' then I looked toward the dove that was still on the Lincoln staute hand and then it flew into the sky and disappeared just as it reached the sky. My mom and sisters took pictures of that dove and get this; the pictures turned up without the dove.

All that has happened concluded to me that God was telling me that I was going through some terriable storm but when it is over God will always be there with a smile. I realized that I ran away from God out of anger but I wondered off in search for the truth and then I came back and my relationship with God is like a parent reconciling with it's kid. We are tight without the bible and without church, I speak to God all the time and whenever He isn't listening to other prayers or answering them, he answers mine (Sometimes). I hope you all understand what kind of religion I am in; I am now a born-only-once-free-spirit and I am happy. Let me know if you wanna hear about my sisters life?


An interesting Read Indeed. but you do realise that there are many possible explanations for what happened to you at lincoln memorial. As much as i would love to give you these possible explanations, i can't because you know what... you must have gone through hell living with your Dad and so can't give reasons that would bring doubt to what you come to believe (not that i can anyways). Like i said red... we are always looking for something... I am glad you found solace in the dove and hope your relationship with God keeps you happy rather than the usually sad and depressed person (no offense)you ones were.

Mine is a completely different story though... My Dad died when i was really young and so never lived to know what he was... his mannerisms etc (but i am always told that i behave so much like him). In Fact i didnt have someone to ask some private questions. Worse, i thought i had a father in the God of christianity... of which i was wrong... he was never there for me. I grew up making alot of mistakes even as a christian... mistakes that hunt me till this day. It then occured to me that no one was protecting me or actually listening to my prayers and so i chose a different path, which was the belief that there is no God and even if there was a God, he was definately not all powerful.

The search for happyness... Red Rackham... i am happy you found Happiness

Leviticus 18:22... Death to all Gay People!!!


Thanks for your kind words, Hugoboss22003. What happen to me that day was a new beginning for me, it was me returning to God and saying 'I'm sorry for being so angry at you for all of my problems' and God in a way said 'It's alright, you will be going through some tough storms but they will pass and then comes the rainbow of happiness. You'll be alright kid, I am here if you need a Dad to talk to 24/7'. Since then I talk to God mentally and loudly when I am alone, then came the hard part, making peace with my dad. God said I had too and I know because there really are signs out there and you just kind of have to feel them out for yourself, it's complicated. Anyways so I did and you know what my father passed away Nov of last years, heart problems. At his funeral I made a conclusion and I know this is true; turns out my dad and God made a deal a long time ago when he and my mom divorce. God told my dad that he was a terriable father and husband, so here's the deal, you will be a father to all children that need a father. 'I am giving you a hand full of children that need you' and my dad was like 'What about Rosie and my daughters?' (Rosie is my mom) God replies 'I will take care of them, you just work on these other kids'. Fair enough at my dad's funeral there were all these young adults and teenagers there including my little half brother, my half sister and a cousin who has been known for a trouble maker but my dad was tough on him and through that he found a dad in mine. As for all those other kids that I saw at the funeral, they were from my brother's basketball team and soccer teal. They all expressed to me what a great dad I had because in all the games that they had, my dad was the only father there attending them all and cheering for them.

Don't give up on faith Hugo, you can leave the church, the bible and God, if you wish but God will never give up on you. Because one time in your life you will see how there God is for you, I know it all the time. In small crisis and big crisis, the day my dad died, my mom and I were heading to Miami Lakeland where I live, we were riding with my aunt and uncle. In the back seat of the car, wasn't crying but I was numb and I couldn't speak at all. It was night time and I knew what a long drive we had a head, I prayed to God to let me sleep and wake up in Miami. And hey, it worked, I fell asleep and there we were in Miami. Talk about 'There in a blink of an eye' huh? Having faith is only hard, depending on what you ask of God, that is my philosophy on religion.

Oh I am sorry about your dad, it must have been hard growing up without a dad.


Red... Thanks too for the kind words. Do you have a name for this kind of relationship (religion)? Anyways, i like the idea of it, at least it only depends on your relationship with God and not some made up lies about leprechauns and what not. This is probably what i am looking for... Thanks


I am free spirit, I don't think it is a religion per-say but to me it is a simple religion where you believe in God with your own knowledge and no one's knowledge. Faith is never easy, looking at what happen to Sharon at the end of the Rapture, I am sure that she was confused about what didn't happen but in my opinion; she just picked the wrong religion. What you said in your last post about 'which was the belief that there is no God and even if there was a God, he was definately not all powerful.' I cannot explain or justify that at all, I can only tell you that even if you leave the church, the bible, or God Himself, He will not give up on you. When you decide to talk to Him again, He will be there to say 'Hey good to hear from, what's on your mind?' and if you decide to try having a relationship with God again then, I know that He will welcome you back.

Good luck Hugoboss, I know you will be fine.
