funny part.

Anyone else find it funny in the love rock slideshow scene that Junior was sitting right next to Murph like Murph was just another student in the class?



Yeah but you figure he would have whispered a threat or something.



Or maybe Murph grew to respect Junior for standing up to him earlier on.



Oh yeah forgot about that part it's been awhile. I wonder why they never released this movie on dvd?



Already did lol that's my primary online shopping site. The other day after I posted to you I went searching for Problem Child 2 on DVD at and I stumbled upon a Problem Child 1 and 2 double feature tantrum pack with both films on the same disk. I might just have to buy that sometime in the future. I never noticed before because on the cover all I read was "Problem child" without reading "tantrum pack" and I assumed it was just the first movie.

