Fond Memories.

I used to love this movie when I was younger. I would rent this and The Edge Of Honor at Video Update on their 2 for 99 cent Tuesday's. It was one of the only movie where I actually found Patricia Arquette attractive. This, Lost Highway and only parts of True Romance.


Just watched this movie again for the first time in a long time. This movie is a lot of fun. Totally a product of it's time and I mean that in a good way. Fun idea, has it's own vibe, and some pretty good little performances. Glad I re-watched it. I'm actually surprised there isn't a bigger audience that has nostalgia love for this movie. RIP Bob Probert




one of the best movies out of the 90s. funny to think the future badasses of America are roller blading kids who happen to be some corp running the whole city

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest directors today
