
I think I found a fault in the timeline of the movie. Were there really electric toothbrushes before airbags were mandated in automobiles? Can anyone shed some light here?


Believe it or not, the first electric toothbrush was invented in 1939......a bit before air bags.


yeah, kid, they were even common back when your parents were little kids.



Huh? This movie isn't a period piece, they were talking about the current times of when the movie was actually made.. when this movie was released in 1991 airbags were just reaching mainstream popularity

Horror Rock Story http://www.amazon.com/Horror-Rock-Roll-Stories-ebook/dp/B004ISLQV2


Electric Toothbrushes were common even back in the 1960s. Airbags may have existed then, but they were a lab concept if anything at best back then. The speed of electronic actuation required, to say nothing of the chemical engineering to produce such a precisely controlled explosion to expand the bag, was anything but mass-produceable.


Electric toothbrushes have been available since the 1960's. Airbags first became available in the 1970's, and were mandated (in the U.S.) in the 1990's.
