The best scene...

was the conversation/argument between Angelo, Father Clemente and Mrs Provolone (and the quick comment by Dr Poole). It's just one zinger after another. I laugh EVERY time I see it. Hilarious!



Yeah, I also loved Peter Riegert as Aldo and when he says to Anthony, "Well, well, the man who started it all!"


"When did THAT happen?" "I don't know...somewhere between my vest and my pants..."

Agreed, that scene is gold. I also love the second time Angelo reveals the bag of underwear to Dr. Poole and starts hitting his head on the desk in frustration while Dr. Poole gives him a huge grin.


The scenes all you guys have mentioned are priceless. Other ones I loved were when Dr Poole says "Really? She's got nicely rounded dipthongs" and Provolone says, "that's what got her into this jam!", when Lisa says something along the lines of "you keep me here, Rapunzel" and Provolone says "Well you certainly ain't Snow White" and the disarming Germany scene.

"Life after death is as improbable as sex after marriage"- Madeleine Kahn(CLUE, 1985)


Almost every scene is hilarious, but my personal faves include the "You had a child with the new maid?!" Conversation, the endless bag switching to comedic results, and any scene with Aldo in is as he is so funny its unbelievable. So is Chazz Palminteri as 'Connie', and when Snaps yells at him: "Doctor Poole is right! You are both an ox, and a moron!" I laughed til I nearly spit.


"...Aw, leave Connie alone, he does the best he can!..."


My personal favorite was when Snaps says,
"Ixnay with the oozz-bay. Ankers-bay?"
Aldo looks at the champage bottle he's carrying and says, "Oh, uh... we just keep this around for YAT christenings!"

Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, outside of soccer.


The bit that made me laugh the most is when Snaps tells Connie to leave, when Theressa comes back to talk to him. He says something along the lines of "Can I stay Boss? Everytime I leave I fall behind". It just fit so well with what had gone on and the actor gave it a great delivery.


The scene between Angelo and Connie that ends with Connie saying, "I don't even know what I'm talkin' about!" This was a great homage to Abbott & Costello. Of course, the movie takes place about 10 years before anybody knew who they were, but it was still a great scene to me.


My favorite was when Snaps had it and wanted to pop Lil' Anthony, he calls for Connie and grabs what would usually be a gun from Connie's hand but it turns out to be a chicken leg and Connie's response of "you took my gun." Gold!!!

Also the scene where Snaps is asking Connie about watching the bag.

"You're daughter's not your daughter and the money that used to be jewels is now underwear!!!"


Mrs Provolone: If you love me, if you ever loved me, you'll find my little girl a husband!!!

The crescendo in her voice and the lightning bolts coming from her eyes are terrifying ... and after that the jest made by Angelo leaning back against the fire place is golden, a classic - "phew" :DD


svetiev_b >>

the jest made by Angelo leaning back against the fire place is golden, a classic - "phew" :DD

Yes, he is wordlessly expressing the feeling that he's a martyr to the whole situation which is completely out of control, and he's powerless to stop it.

Lovely little bit of physical comedy in which nothing needs to be said. Brilliant!


"Oscar was cuter."
"Who's Oscar?"
"The chauffeur."
(Dramatic musical sting as the Finucci Brothers turn and gawp at each other.)

I love that scene especially the Finuccis' reaction.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"
