Song on the end

Does anybody know what it's called and who sang it? I'd really like to add this song to my collection!

And even better: Has there been a soundtrack release of this movie?


I first heard this song by Bette Midler for, "The Rose," 1979. The english title would be: "The Rose," but then you would probably get the Bette Midler version.
Looks like it was written by Amanda McBroom:

I knew it was familiar, but couldn't place it until I read the subtitle of the last line. I liked the version in Only Yesterday better - maybe it's the Japanese, but I think the song fits the story, its theme, and setting better. I almost didn't like this movie as much for using this old, once overused tune, but it was such a great ending to a great film experience, that I cut it some slack.

I guess it also appears in Napoleon Dynamite, and who knows who else has covered it.
I would also like a soundtrack DVD of Only Yesterday (and some other Ghibli films)

some need to go up 1 or down 1:


The song is called "The Rose" and was a huge hit in America in 1979 for Bette Midler.

This version is available anywhere; The movie version is included on
the movie's soundtrack, but i'm not sure of it's availablility in the States.
