
Where can you buy/rent this movie? I would like to see it sometime



umm..this may be a dumb question, but will the DVD play on my DVD player? and is it in english?


The DVD is Japanese language only and Disney has no apparently have no plans of even recording an English dub.

No big loss I'd say, as while say "Spirited Away" and "Laputa" both (for differant reasons) probably rank as among the very best ever anime English dubs ever the Disney dubs of "Porco Rosso" and especially "Pom "100 ways not to say testicle" Poko" are dreadful (though Fox's "Totoro" dub is probably the worst ever).

It's a lovely movie really worth getting hold of.

The DVD is PAL formated, (I'm presuming your American) the USA uses the NTSC format. DVD players tend to be dual format (though you may have to adjust the output settingd on your DVD player if your TV is NTSC only. The player manual will tell you how to do this).

The UK DVD is Region 2. If your player is region 1 then a simply websearch will quickly tell you if there is a hack you can use to change/turn off region setting. This usually ammounts to no more thasn inputting a certain code from the remote.

Optimum have done a great job with the Ghibli DVDs. All the Studio Ghibli titles, including "the Little Norse Prince" and "Castle of Cagliostro" are now available in the UK. Some are frustratingly lacking in bonus features, but the "Only Yesterday" DVD comes with a 50 minute making of feature and a celection of Ghibli trailers.

"I think you're a load of old crap too, Mr Mulligan!"


Thanks so much! This information helped a lot


No problem. Sorry about the poor grammar/spelling in said reply :-).

"I think you're a load of old crap too, Mr Mulligan!"



Well it wouldn't do for us all to like the same things now would it ;-)

I like the Disney dub of Laputa as I genuinly feel it's more knock-about and humorous nature is better suited to what is essentialy an action movie than the quieter original Japanese track. Pazu's voice is a weak point (he does sound to old), but it doesn't significantly spoil the movie for me. Have you heard the english dub that was made for Japan Airlines? Some people here seem to really rate that one but as far as I know the only places to find it are an obscure UK DVD which I am not sure even exists and as part of Japanese Lasedisc boxset of Ghibli titles (I want I want I want). Do you know of any other editions? It really annoyed that Optimum didn't include it on their DVD as there was enough bandwidth even with the Disney (surround) and Japanese (stereo) tracks.

I really like the Spirited Away dub as well. Though, yeah, it does suffer from a little Disney's "dumbing down"/extra lines syndrome it really isn't to the detriment of the movie as it's still technically and casting wise all but spot on...

Unlike say Kiki or the terrible awful job they did on Pom Poko. On Pom Poko if you've ever compared both tracks you'll know what I'm taking about, I mean since when have Racoons got married? And would it have been so offensive to english speaking audiences to have the narrator say "maybe the humans were gods". Don't get me started on "racoon pouches"... Doesn't stop it being one of my fave ever Ghibli movies.

"I think you're a load of old crap too, Mr Mulligan!"

