Optimum DVD - No Dub?!?!

This was one of the last DVDs I needed to buy to complete my Studio Ghibli collection and I was angered to find theres no dub included. Was this movie never dubbed???

Wish I'd never bought it now.


No dub was included due to an obligation in a contract with Disney. See the trivia section for more about it.

By the way, it is still an excellent film in its original language.

Them dinosaurs can cause a variety of damage!


Sadly I have to disagree. I got as far as the scene where they cut up the pineapple and then switched it off. Totally wasnt enjoying it.


Your loss.


If you didn't "enjoy" the pineapple scene, then you probably wouldn't like it whether it's dubbed or not. It's an intimate little story about where/ what a woman was in her childhood, being contrasted with where/ what she wants to be as an adult.


Its not the story that put me off. At least not completely. It was more than fact it was subbed. I guess I just prefer to watch the movies with the English dubs.


Sign the petition to convince Disney to dub "Only Yesterday" into English. This petition was started by Ghibli's largest English-language fansite, nausicaa.net, and we want 500 signatures by the end of November 2007.


Thanks to those who have already signed it and to those who sign it now.


Well I signed it, though I dont honestly think it will make any difference.


Thanks for the signature, no thanks for the pessimism.

No, but really, thanks for signing. We need all the help we can get.


I'm not being pessimistic, I'm being realistic.

Most online petitions fall on deaf ears, no matter how many signatures they get. It's a sad fact. But I do wish you the best of luck all the same.


What don't you like about the original language? Is it just the subtitles or you don't like hearing Japanese? The movie isn't English, it deserves to be watched how it was intended to be.


Isn't it nice to watch the ORIGINAL version of something you like, it is to me an integral part of one's affection of a film, and respect of a certain culture. Any dubbed film is an altered work.

I have no doubt it would be more beautiful if I know Japanese.


i don't understand the hang ups some people have with movies without dubbing... i prefer to watch ALL films in their original languages; no matter what caliber of actor you hire to re-voice it, it never has the same feeling as the original voice acting.


Well, yeah. It's a whole 'nother language. Of course it doesn't sound the same. Anyway, the dubs-vs-subs debate is an ongoing one akin to the chicken-or-the-egg thing. In this case, it's really just a matter of preference.


Best thing ever.


Jim Jarmusch usually refuses to allow his movies to be dubbed as he casts his actors as much for their voices as for their appearances, and feels that changing the sound does violence to the movies.

I find it very goofy watching Japanese characters talk in American voices. I also don't have a lot of respect for people who can't deal with subtitles, unless they have learning disabilities. So no offense intended to anyone who's dyslexic.


While I support the idea of petitions, I'm with you on this one, this petition won't make a difference.

Disney won't publish this because they have a contractual obligation not to cut out the references to menstruation. If they could have cut that scene out then they would have published it by now, but Disney are afraid of the backlash from neo-con parents if their label becomes associated with a perfectly normal biological function that happens to all healthy females at puberty.

Apparently, neo-con women don't have periods, or sex, or even pick their nose when nobody is looking.

English Language Anime: Dub it, don't pervert it.


A real shame that Disney got rights to it and not dub it because of a small sex education scene.

In my opinion there could atleast let this movie be distrubuted by a company that doesn't worry about being mobbed by angry parents who are against anime with sophisticated theme to it.

Right now I don't mind if this movie is ever going to be dubbed. Cause I know it won't be the only non-dub anime. Such as Memories, Tokyo Godfathers, and most of the Sony own Anime don't have dubs to them.


its pretty sad when disney is further behind japan when it comes to being open with sexual things LOL

but thats miyazaki for you, very revolutionary ^_^


I find it even sadder that Disney is behind distributors in Canada and England. Canadians and English can buy this off the shelf, but Americans must import it even though the US distribution rights have already been brought.

English Language Anime: Dub it, don't pervert it.


Well done to Optimum and Madman for releasing this DVD in the UK. As for the US version, the more people make noise about a release or a dub the more likely they will listen. Letters, emails, petions and lobbying all keeps the profile in the minds of the suits at Disney.

Incidently Wild Bunch/Optimum have the UK DVD and TV rights to "I can hear the sea/Ocean Waves".

Variety reported "Handling TV/DVD on Studio Ghibli’s 1994 classic, “Ocean Waves,” Wild Bunch closed France (Ocean), Spain (Aurum), Germany (Telepool), the U.K. (Optimum) and Scandinavia (NonStop)".



Hey buddy, you should be happy that they even released it in your country. We Americans don't have it at all. ;.;
