What an awful place

There's nothing good to be said about Iran which has always been the origins for terrorists. As shown in the movie they would pick up 12 year-olds off the street and use them to walk ahead of soldiers thru mine fields. Iranians also practice "tiqiyya" which is mentioned in their "holy book" (lol) and allows them to lie and/or use deceit when talking to foreigners, infidels and any non-Muslim. So, lying with your hand on a Quran isn't considered lying at all, and if you talk to Muslims they'll tell you the same thing: their "holy book" (lol) instructs them to do so therefore its permissible. If you've watched the news at any time in the past 30 years you'll see that they hang homosexuals from cranes right in the middle of the street. And women need 4 witnesses to a rape before a court will consider it a rape, and women aren't allowed to drive or leave their home unless accompanied by a male relative. It's just an awful place, the complete opposite of a free society.


There's a reason why there is a separation between church and state here. Iranian society is in exact opposition to this principle.


It's also why a predominantly Muslim society will never be economically stable enough to be a first world country.


I would never want to live there in a million years....
