MovieChat Forums > Night on Earth (1991) Discussion > One of the greatest films ever made

One of the greatest films ever made

Jim Jarmusch is a genius. Enough said.

I saw Dead Man when I was about eight years old on foxtel, I now realise its what's inspired me to become a film maker myself, i am currently a film student . Anyway, this film is amazing a sence it covers everything about life and human beings. The drama , irony , sadness , friendship , i could go on but id be here forever.

See this film if your interllectual enough to understand it , if you like fast and the furious , stick to your homie G clothes and blink 182,

Over and out


Definitely one of the greatest movies i've ever seen. :)



I’d venture to suggest a remake


Just a few points about your "Fast and the Furious" and "Blink 182" bashing:

Your review should read: "See this film if you're (not your, it is an abreviation of You Are) intellectual (there no such word as interllectual. The word is an adjectival form of the abstract noun "intellect") enough...."

To other posters, I am sure I have spelling mistakes too, however, I am not the one being disrespectful of other people's taste and intellect, while unable to pass basic literacy tests .

For the record, I am pretty ambivalent about this movie, but dislike "the Fast and the Furious" almost as much as I loathe "Blink 182".



correcting people spelling and grammar is a fairly idiotic way to say "yeah, it's good, but don't be arrogant. If you watched the film properly or perhaps if you just had common sense you would realise that making rash judgements about people is dumb."


Yeah, great movie... I just love the german clown (wonder what happend to him after he left Yoyo?)


yer. that slamming was deserved shanebegg. you're a film student? i hope you don't do creative writing.


This is a good film, but I'm not sure how it could be considered too intellectual for the average viewer...


everyone i know who dislikes the film are the typical losers that dont get art/cult films that rather see mindless action films like triple x or general mainstream trash and , im not insulting anyone , just expressing the take on the film around here , as for blink 182 , just linking that to the type of person im referring too.

if ur offended by what I said ur the exact type of person im talking about.

"All of life's riddles are answered in the movies" - Steve Martin (Grand Canyon)


i am offended by your inability to construct sentences... shanebegg, you are clearly retarded and that is why people respond so aggressively to your unwarranted claims. this movie is not very good, certainly not worth your ramblings.

ps is english your second language??


Sorry , i dont spend my time proof reading sentances that have no meaning on imdb boards . I don't care about my grammer on a stupid post on a board. I have stuff to do , I don't try to change the world on the imdb boards , sorry

By the way, what are you doing spending time trying to insult me? And get a rise out of people you'll never met nor see?CLearly unemployed , recently fired as an English teacher no doubt.

"All of life's riddles are answered in the movies" - Steve Martin (Grand Canyon)



well blinky , touched a nerve there by the looks of things ,

Ive had it with u people

I love imdb boards , u can wind anybody up , if we were all in the real life and we just started talking about the movie , looking in the face of one another I bet that nobody would react like this , only miles of distance and the fact nobody will ever met/know anyone there insulting.

"All of life's riddles are answered in the movies" - Steve Martin (Grand Canyon)


silly billy


i totally agree with untitled8 about the real life versus internet responses have.So people chill and stop trying to offend each other about spelling mistakes,or inteligent levels each has.Just stop and let the movies talk..


I'm with you buddy.

I know this will sound arrogant and will probably offend some people, but who cares, it's the internet, haha.

Anyone who likes The Fast and The Furious is a loser.


Maybe because that's the majority of people there are? Hence mainstream. Don't be so ignorant and pretentious. Especially don't force your tastes onto someone else, and prance your pompous little ass around when they don't like it or in your words "don't get it".

Me and my Spider:


Every message board ive ever been on here on imd somehow seems to be people fighting about grammar, spelling, etc. Never the movie. Well sometimes if it is about the movie it will just say something like, "this movie Sucks" followed by someone being like, "Maybe you can tell us why you didnt like the movie, or maybe you cant because you were too stupid to really understand it blah blah blah". The people who post these are just butt-hurt because someone didnt love the movie that they absolutely thought was "Brilliant". Anyone else with me, or am i going to get a bunch of hostile replies? -miguel


Well sometimes if it is about the movie it will just say something like, "this movie Sucks" followed by someone being like, "Maybe you can tell us why you didnt like the movie, or maybe you cant because you were too stupid to really understand it blah blah blah". The people who post these are just butt-hurt because someone didnt love the movie that they absolutely thought was "Brilliant". Anyone else with me, or am i going to get a bunch of hostile replies? -miguel
I agree that obviously inflammatory comments about movies tend to lead to very, very pointless "discussion". Someone comes onto a discussion board and declares a movie "Soooooo overrated!" and accuses those who like the movie of being blind, and then the lovers of the movie respond that the movie really is great and accuses the original poster of being "too dumb" to get it. Internet "debates" about the quality of a movie tend to go something like this:

Person A: This movie sucks and anyone who likes it is a retard!
Person B: No, this movie rocks and anyone who doesn't like it sucks!
Person A: No, this movie sucks and if you like it you're just a sheep pretending to like it because that makes you cool!
Person B: No, this movie rocks and it's one of the best movies ever made and anyone who doesn't agree just doesn't "get it"!
Person A: No, this is one of the worst movies ever made, you're just too blind to see how bad it is!
Person B: Notice how everyone who says it sucks doesn't give a reason for it - that's because they're too dumb and they should go back to watching "The Fast and the Furious" and "Gone in 60 Seconds" and leave the great films like this for us intelligent people!
Person A: I hate "The Fast and the Furious" and you're just an idiot and I'm smarter than you and you're just sucking up to the critics who just pretend to like the film in order to be pretentious!
Person B: No way!
Person A: Dude, it sucks!
Person B: Nuh-uh!


Finally someone has summed up my entire IMDB reading experience for the past 5 years in one post. Good show!

I admit, like watching a bad movie (or even better, reading a bad movie review) there's something so viscerally delicious about how creative people can get with the basic "you're just too dumb to get it" canon of witty (?) rhetorical writing tropes. Who doesn't like a good flame war--especially if it's somewhat well-presented (acted) and has plenty of cheap, cliched pathos?

And of course, the spoiler/denouement/exposition by an excellent explanation that develops generics to an art (as the post above does) is the cake topper, for me.

Given how tastes vary, I'm not sure how enjoying Blink 182 has anything to do with liking, disliking, or even understanding this film any more than my like for Beethoven or Brahms makes me a more or less likely aficionado of the Adam Sandler oeuvre?

That all being said, I've never saw "Fast and the Furious", so I can thankfully divest myself of any "dumb," "pretentious," or otherwise cumbersome preconceived notions based on what breakfast food I ate that morning and just enjoy a movie.


then you need to watch french new wave:the mother and the whore,contempt ,celo from 2 to 7 and jules and jim

My TOP 200 Movies -


I couldn't agree more. This is a masterpiece, possibly the best movie I have ever seen.

It is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen, and one of the most dramatic as well.

I do not think that Jim Jarmusch intended to have one funny segment, one dramatic segment, one suspense and so on. Each chapter has its part of drama and humor, perfectly held together by another kind of genius, Tom Waits.

I'm lucky enough to speak most of the languages heard in the movie, perhaps that makes it even more enjoyable to me, but I don't speak Finnish and I thought the final segment was brilliant.

As a non-American user I find it hard to believe that Jim Jarmusch is not a huge star in the United States. I gave Night On Earth a 10, as I did Mystery Train. I watch tons of movies and forget about most of them in the week that follows, but how can anyone forget a movie like Dead Man ? It is stunning and I am indeed still stunned.

Jarmusch is never boring, always original, always intelligent. Can you say the same of American favorites Coppola, Scorcese, Spielberg ? Honestly, aren't the Coen brothers infinitely more interesting ?


Jim Jarmusch is very very much appreciated, though he's not someone you would think of as being a known person. However, mention his name to just about anyone, and they'll nod their head knowingly or with enthusiasm.

His movies aren't distributed in the large chain theaters, they're usually shown at indie theatres or artsy places.


It's one of my favorites from Jarmusch, up there with Mystery Train and Broken Flowers

"Watch out, he's got a candy cane!"


You are all whingers,
shut the hell up and actually talk about Jim jarmusch. Its a night on earth board. Not a fricking lets have a bitch about bla bla bla..blink 182, bla bla. Just everyone shut the frick up and if u dont wanna speak about night on earth's brilliance, then go the hell away and go on the crappy lord of the rings boards. jesus man.!


I never said anything about Blink 182, they can go *beep* each other with big rubber dicks for all I care.

"Watch out, he's got a candy cane!"


*Rosie Perez voice*

"No! You shut up!"


When i first saw the H on the clock wall, i thought Helsinki, and then i laughed because i thought i knew that our capital would never be in a movie like this one; a funny, yet kinda dramatic movie. When I saw that it really WAS helsinki, i laughed even more and sat down and waited eagarly for the situation to start.
Those drunks were hilarious...

Helmet, HAHA!


Your comment makes me want to go out and buy some baggy pants just to spite you. I'll wear them while not watching 'Night On Earth'; its an interesting film; Paris, or maybe Helsinki segment best - Stranger than Paradise is better in any case.


Jim Jarmusch definitely IS a genius!

I know all of his movies and love them all. The very first ones a a tiny bit different from his newer works but still great in a special way with their unique atmosphere.

--- BE TROLL 2!!! ---


its an amazing movie but no need to be a isn't supposed to be intellectual, if you want intellectual read a book and toss out your dvd player...

i'm a film student too, but i actually find most of jarmusch's films to be pretentious and overly "artsy"...i however absolutely adore this one because its 100% substance and the style it has lends itself to the doesn't stick out like a sore thumb like in stranger than paradise or something

"I'm waiting for the sun to shine."
