Norberg caught under the cars.

OK sticking out from the back would not be so bad, BUT immagine stickingout from the front!!! OMG if you let your feet down for a moment yoour legs would be forced under you and your whole body would be wadded and crushed!!! WOW I just thought about how horrible that would be! he must've held his legs up all the way to Detroit!

Question your prejudices.


It's even funnier now to watch O.J. get the *beep* beat out of him considering he's a cold-blooded monster who got away with murder.


They should re-release this movie with the van digitally altered to a white Bronco.


But seriously I'm curious now, IS that what would really happen if you were sticking out of the front of a car and let your feet touch the ground? Would the road "grab" you feet and force them under you and basically wab you up and crush you??

Question your prejudices.


I think your knees would give out and your lower legs would twist sideways.


That sequence was absolutely hilarious! I love that scene!

I'm a heavy metal maniac.
Metal = best form of music ever


The thing is: Considering what a scumbag murderer he was in real life, you like what happens to him now.


"I'm gonna need you and Nordberg tomorrow. What's he doing in Detroit? Well, send him plane fare and a new pair of pants". 😁
