Disturbed me

It was that good. I've only been able to watch this movie twice. Once late one night I caught it on cinemax. I later taped it and showed it to a friend.

What bothered me was at the beginning when they showed the different shots of the statues, house, and the forest. Then the score/music in that scene is haunting as it was throughout the movie especially the ending. What really depressed me was the ending. The way all of the characters just went their seperate ways and never spoke again. Especially Mother sending he christmas card for 10 years and then never being heard from again. Also how Peter Berg's character just dissapeared... :(


This movie didn't disturb me as much as it touched me. I only saw a brief clip from the movie in a class (maybe 5 mins) and knew immediatly that I had to have the movie on video or DVD. Since buying it I have watched the film three times, all around Christmans, and every time I have started to cry just before they enter the German camp (yes, I acknowledge that I can be a huge sissy). It is the anticipation and tension that is built up in the scene that really draws the viewer in.

Although I agree it is very sad that everyone lost touch at the end of the war I think it was also inevitable. These characters had an experience that is very singular and it had tremedous effects on their mental and emotional health. To me it made sense that they all went their seperate ways because to maintain contact would mean a constant reminder of what they went through. When returning to the States they all had to leave that part of their life behind.

I am going to try to find the book so I can read it, but I would also like to recommend the book "All Quiet on the Western Front" by Eric Maria Remarque to "A Midnight Clear" fans.




I guess disturbed is the wrong word. Touched would be more in place for what I was saying. It did affect me to the point that I haven't been able to watch it except for the times I mentioned. Have you had a chance to see the movie All Quiet on the Western Front?



Touched is a very fitting word.

It has probably been about 8 years since I last saw All Quiet on the Western Front, and I keep meaning to watch it again, but other movies distract me before I get around to it. And you, have you either read the book or seen the movie?


Which version are you talking about,the older one or the one that came out in 97 I believe. I see the newer version at Blockbuster and keep thinking about getting it. I haven't read the book.


I only know of two versions, the original and one done for TV in 1979. I have only seen the original and it was a couple years ago now. If there is a newer one, and you do end up renting it, please let me know if it is any good.

I highly recommend the book. Much like A Midnight Clear, there are times when you just feel like everything is so hopeless and some of the scenes really are disturbing.



I agree, this is a very moving movie, especialy at the end with the music when they are walking back to the American camp with their fallen commrade covered in 'blood' crosses, then you see the German graveyard with the German helmets on crosses, makes me cry every time i watch this!

Also, im not relegious but when they are singing Christmas Carols with the Germans too, that makes me think about things and brings tears to my eyes.

Chorley FM, Coming In Your Ears!


I watched this movie thinking it was "When thrumpets fade":/, but ireally liked it. The snowball fight part and christam singing/present exchange part were very nice. I felt sad when the germans were killed.


I am NEVER sad whenever Germans die in WW2 movies. I guess I just can't forgive that generation for what the Nazis did.
If anyone wants to accuse me of reacting "like a Jew" (which I am), let me respond by mentioning some acts of atrocities committed agains non-Jews:
*The Malmedy massacre
*The Oradour-sur-Glane massacre
*The Lidice massacre
*The bombing of Rotterdam
*The strafing of French civilian refugees in June 1940
*The murder of gipsies and gays in the camps
*The killing-off of mentally retarded Germans before the war
*The extermination of more than 3 million Poles (non-Jews)
*The shooting of hostages at a ratio of 10:1 in Western Europe, 100:1 in the East

Need any more examples to alleviate the pain over a few dead German soldiers?


But the point was that the Germans were not Nazis. They were old men and young boys who were forced to fight in a war they wanted no part of. The only reason they didn't just surrender was out of the fear they had of the Nazis.



Fantastic film. The most moving film I have ever seen. Technically and artistically excellent. The only problem was that it was TOO good. A lot of films as morally challenging as this are not popular as it challenges people's establish pre-conceptions too much.

It is a pity I cannot buy it, or else it would have pride of position in my vast DVD collection already.


Why cant you buy it??


yeah why not, you skint pal?


You should know then that you weren't allowed to belong to any political party in the German Wehrmacht so they weren't Nazi party members.

Save your anger for a movie that comes out showing Jewish Zionists in the IDF brutalizing and murdering Palestinians. As if such a movie would ever be made.


Save your anger for a movie that comes out showing Jewish Zionists in the IDF brutalizing and murdering Palestinians. As if such a movie would ever be made.

Get a life loser...wheres your proof?


An excellent thread discussing the film and one heartfelt contribution from a Jewish poster. Then spoiled by a totally unnecessary and off-topic anti-Israel jibe.


I second that! Absolutely no point in venting political opinions like this - neither related to issues that happened 50 years ago, 10 years ago or a 1000 years ago (in that case I'm sure there are some English people ready to flame me as a Dane, most likely descendant from viking raiders that murdered, raped and looted in England 1000 years ago.

If I'm not back in 5 minutes...
Just wait longer..


By the way the Russians killed more of their own people than the Germans did. What's the Stalin figure 20 million. Strafing civilians was done on both sides. Lots of American and British pilots were doing it. The Bombing of Rotterdam.. how about bombing and firestorm that killed 150,000 in Dresden, a target of no military importance, or is that OK because they were German. You won't read it is any repot but there were a lot of German soldiers that didn't make it to the pow camp. Or is that OK too because they deserved it. As far as the Poles, they are uncovering evidence that many of the mass graves were not the work of the Germans but of the Russians. Shouldn't they be nade to pay? Why don't you condem the United States for refusing entry to Jewish refugees during the 30's? There is lots of guilt to go around.


Sorry to say that, but you're a pure child of hate. I'm a Greek and we were one of the countries that had the biggest impact of WWII. My father was in the middle of the bombardment of Piraeus and during the occupation he used to clear mines off the beach with his brothers, even though they were little kids. His family lost all their fortune because they had to sell it for food and he got "death hair", thin white stripes you get just before you die because of hunger.

Having grown up with these stories, you'd believe that he and his children (like me) would hate Germans in general and everyone who was part of their army back then. No. You know why? Because he knew most of them were just average people like you and me recruited by force in those violent times. Not everyone was SS, not everyone was a Nazi, not everyone was a beast. He even opened his own shop a few years after the war was over with his brothers selling BMW motorcycle parts.

What I suggest is simple; lose the hate and study some damn history. In general.



when the american and german soldiers are faking a gunfight", so the germans can surrender withour the fear of gestapo agents finding they surrendered without fighting, Gary Sinise "Mother" appears and kills a german soldier, sending all the staged "gunfight" to waste, and the germans retaliated by shooting at the americans, having as a result all the germans and half of the americans killed, and making the 3 remaining americans carry the dead body of one of their friends by jeep in crucifixion posture, im not defending what the germans did in WWII, i know war is hell, but if you look at the german soldiers, they were just kids and old ones, they were tired of the war and wanted to surrender, so their deaths were absolutely pointless, if i were there i would kill *beep* myself, Gary Sinise did a great acting, but what his character did in that scene was unforgivable.


I think the point that you're missing is that Mother was losing his mind, and they left him behind to carry out the surrender, and he caught up to them and fired accidentally, because he wasn't informed as to what was going on.

-- Do you have any tobacco?


He has no excuse for what he did. He saw the germans pointing their rifles to the sky and shooting upwards, no way near the location of teh Americans.

They were posing no threat to the GI's. A kid could honestly see that.

Choosing to fire in these conditions just makes you look like a dick.

signature :

...something deep and overwhelming...



After my younger brother recomended it I've only been able to watch this movie once! I know people said it's a movie for guys but I was really moved.

Disturbing - poetic and heart breaking.

'Love Film'


You are so gay.

signature :

...something deep and overwhelming...

