MovieChat Forums > Light Sleeper (1992) Discussion > Can I get this movie at Blockbuster

Can I get this movie at Blockbuster

Can I rent this movie at Blockbuster in the indiependent movie section.


why dont you call and find out?


You're asking me 'can I', merfwriter? Well, the answer is no. Sir, you may not. I expressly forbid it.


Reilly nz I was just asking a question. All I wanted to know was if the movie was in as in Bockbuster store because I want to rent it. Thats all. Ok maybe the word I needed to use was "Would I be able to rent this movie at Bockbuster?" There you happy?


Ahhhh, I see what you mean now. However...I still forbid it.


forbid it? why forbid it? is it bad? I'm 24 for christ sakes I can see rated R films.


Because in the state of Baltimore, it's illegal to watch films with the initials LS.


In the state of baltimore? where the hell are you from? Oveausly not the U.S. because Baltimore isn't a state morone, its a city. The state Baltimore is in is Maryland. and since when was it illegal to watch films with the initials LS.


Ah yes, my mistake. In the state of Maryland it is illegal to watch films with the initials LS, EJ and RHGT.

It's punishable by stoning.


Reilly nz, are you making this up?


Like George Washington, I cannot tell a lie. Yes, madam, I am indeed making this up.

But to make up for my terrible conduct, next time I'm in Baltimore I'm gonna take you out on a date and buy us both ice cream.

Sounds good, eh?


oh my god.....



I have no idea how you can read this thread and think that I am the moron.....It's baffling...someone is asking on imdb if they can rent a specific movie at an undisclosed Blockbuster the *beep* would we know? As I said, call the blockbuster and ask...the level of unawareness and gullibility is staggering....

And it wasnt even *beep* me saying all the stuff about Baltimore!!!! I never just trash someone online, but it's you who comes off as an enourmous *beep* idiot, or at the, just a *beep* idiot.



you are a *beep* the thread over. I never fell for anything. It was the threadstarter, merfwriter, not I the responder, T-Wicks.....I cannot even comprehend how absurdly stupid this makes you look.


Hilarious. The OP was just not getting it. I'm not one to come on and pester people on the db but c'mon. Can I rent this at Blockbuster? At one time I'm sure Blockbusters all over America had this-how the hell is anyone going to know which Blockbuster you frequent. Get on the horn and call. Jeez...

"I've seen things in this city that make Dante's Inferno read like Winnie The Pooh."
