when 'sailor' died

the scene where they find out that the homeless guy sailor had passed away is the only time i've seen Mel Brooks done some dramatic acting. how do you think he handled that?

The only people i've heard like Sweden are people who doesn't live here




I've never seen 11's before on anyone's back neck but are they real?


I thought that was very touching. This movie should've done much better in this country but I think it is due to the fact that nobody cares about this problem because you can't make money off the homeless. George Carlin is right-Find a solution to homelessness where the corporate swine can steal money at the same time and the streets of this country would clear up in a snap. This film should've gotten an Oscar nod for Best Screenplay-Brooks did a good job with the film.


Another thought: Howard Morris is an old friend of Brooks. Maybe he imagined Howie dying for real and that helped him. And yes, Howard is now gone too.
