Online copy available?

I've found 3 torrent files for "Late for Dinner"; however, none appear to be active. Checked in at Stage6 and again, nothing there. Does anyone know of a copy existent 'out there' in the e-world? I really don't want some used Amazon copy. Would much rather a decent download with a hash sum verified. Thanks any and all that may respond. This movie had it all - sincerity, believe-ability and just plain goodness. Unusual nowadays. Would really like to share it with family who haven't seen it.


This is a reply to self and any or all who may be interested. There is a viable torrent available!

the seed is sporatic and the download will take a bit - 48 hours apx. Frorm the .txt file accompanying the download: "This is taken from VHS Tape, and has had D.N.R. (Digital Noise Reduction Applied, on the Panasonic D80 VCR. Captured as MPG 2, then re-encoded as DivX Good Quality..."

Still, all in all, a good copy.


It's available for immediate streaming on I just watched it for the first time. Gave it a solid "8".... a wonderful film. Science fiction/Romance is a rare combination, but it works here.
