alternative version.

At the time of its release, there was a longer version which showed Tong Po training and re-fighting Jean-Claude Van Damme's character Kurt Sloane (played by Emmanuel Kervyn this time). By all accounts the fight scenes were better than the actual end-fight, so the scenes containing Kurt, Eric and Xian's niece Mylee were cut down to a few seconds, showing Kurt Sloane with the bullet hole in the head and Tong Po walking away.


Is this copy still about?


I tend to believe that you're pulling my chain on this one.


Actually, I was talking to this guy on MSN a couple of years back who is a fan of this movie in particular, he didn't say anything he was sure about but he did ask me about Kurt Sloan in the movie, as he had seen Kickboxer 2 in a cinema over in Greece or something and he said he thought there was a longer scene with Kurt in it. Maybe he was thinking of the same thing though I doubt a VHS or DVD copy was produced. Probably locked up in the archives forever at whichever studio.


I tend to think that if the scene made it into any theatrically-released version of the film or was actually filmed, there would be more mention of it.


I believe Ajalator is right. I remember it very well but I do not think it is related to the vhs once it produced to released it. I think I must have saw it in cinemax channel at least 10 years ago. I only saw it at least once. I dont think you will ever seen this alternative version in this light ever again.


"I dont think you will ever seen this alternative version in this light ever again."

Why would you say that? If they had said material around in 1996, why would it just suddenly dissapear and why is there no mention of it from any credible sources? I'm not saying it's a lie but I'm a bit skeptical. If it was on Cinemax, more people should have seen it and there should be a tape of it floating around. Hell, I still have my old VHS recording of it when it aired on TBS in 1995.


Thats what I have been asking myself why they didnt add up the alternative verison, I really dont exactly know. It just mystery to me.


I read an interview with Michel Qissi a few years back in Martial Arts illustrated. The interviewer Bey Logan mentioned to qissi he had heard about extensive cuts in Kickboxer 2. Qissi confirmed this, mentioning tong po brutal training sequences were cut (but scars still noticable on his body at the end)and the scene where kurt and eric died was longer but sasha mitchell maybe didnt appreciate how much more skillful emmanual kervyn was than him and might have detracted from the final fight scene. So its official, ill try and look out the magazine, think i still have it.


you sure that wasn't from Impact magazine? I read that interview also , this was maybe 15-16 yrs ago..or longer?


I have seen this version, on vhs copy from Cyprus. English dub but Greek subtitles.



The version I had on vhs has the standin Kurt training with Eric watching and Tong Po shoots them,and the niece I think was there too, also you do see Tong Po in a temple getting punished after the shootings.


Ajalator is exactly right about this. There IS a longer version. I do not remember the re-training scene or the rematch happening, but I DO remember the flashback where Po shoots Kurt Sloan being a lot longer. I remember very vividly that Po shoots Eric as well, and we also see Mylee get shot.

Max Dropout


So the question is: can anyone get a hand on these ominous extended scenes and upload them ..?


This is what Albert Pyun said about this on his official FB-site:

"I remember shooting and editing those two sequences but I don't believe they ever made into the final cut for the US version but maybe those were extended versions for foreign."


And another "proof": in the beginning of "Kickboxer 4", during the flashback sequences in the film's first 3 minutes, after they showed Kurt's win over Tong Po there's a scene in which you can see the latter (clearly Michel Qissi) kneeling in a cave with people spitting at him (obviously for his shame of losing..)

So that HAS to be one of "Kickboxer 2"'s deleted scenes ...


Given Albert Pyun is working on some of his older films again and re-releasing them as "Director's cut" (he talks about this once in a while on his official FB-site), its possible that he will do the same one time with KB 2 (especially because he considers it as one of his better films) ...


Another mysterious scene (but never mentioned anywhere):

If you look at the backcover of this german VHS you see the Sanga character threating Tong Po with a gun after the fight (obviously for losing..)
A bloody Tong Po staring at him from out of the ring even made it on the frontcover:


that looks like it would have been a dramatic snippet of film to watch.

i hope Pyun has the uncut version of the film to release. seeing as how hes managed to sell copies of his cut of Cyborg and supposedly Captain America.
id definitely want to purchase an extended cut of Kickboxer2 from him.


I really would like to see these extra scenes*...I am interested to see how it was to have the different actors playing Kurt and would be way cool if one of posters that mentioned they have seen or own the eropean VHS of the movie to uploud the scenes, or even screenshots so that others can see it....someone out there has to have a vhs of this ~


If there's someone out there with a vhs/dvd copy, it'd be cool if they could upload some scenes to YouTube.
