Film Score

Has anybody got the Score to this film? i can not find the CD anywhere, i would be most grateful for a copy if anybody has it.


You know, I've been hunting for this at a decent price also. Many years ago when I had to sell cds(before the advent of mp3,etc.) and videos (Vhs) to get by, I unfortunately let this one go. It's been one of those things I just cannot forget. Starting to get really hard to let the $40-50 copies on ebay slide on past me.
Yes, if anyone has a copy, me too please?!
Sure, hope Soderberg does release Region 1 2 disc soon....



I have this score in mp3, I can upload in rapidshare if you want. Ok?


I know this is a few years too late, but for anybody still asking about this score, but this score and a variety of other Martinez scores are available free for download on Martinez's official site:

I don't know if it's the same edition that was released officially, but the score is 48 minutes long, (although only 160kbps), it is free so what more could you want?
