MovieChat Forums > The Indian Runner (1991) Discussion > Shouldnt Springsteen get a story credit?

Shouldnt Springsteen get a story credit?

I haven't seen the movie, ive been trying to find it, but i did see the Springsteen video for "Highway Patrolman" and read the plot summary and it seems that it is based entirely on Springsteens song. Shouldn't Springsteen recieve a story credit for this movie?


I totally agree. Great movie, totally dealing with subjects that Springsteen loves, story taken right from his song... they should give him a little credit for it. Nebraska is a great album.



Springsteen & Highway Patrolman are credited with inspiring the movie in the opening credits.


Springsteen & Highway Patrolman are credited with inspiring the movie in the opening credits.


"Like Kurosawa I make mad films, Okay I don't make films But if I did they'd have a Samurai"




Bruce rules!



No, Cash covered the song. Springsteen wrote and performed the song originally on his absolutely amazing album Nebraska.

"Always tell the truth. It's the easiest thing to remember." Ricky Roma, Glengarry Glen Ross


Nebraska might be one the greatest albums ever, and I'm not even that big of a Bruc fan


Nebraska might not be one of the greatest albums ever, it IS the greatest album ever


Born to Run is the best album ever. Cheers.
