MovieChat Forums > The Indian Runner (1991) Discussion > One of the Most Erratic Movies I Have Ev...

One of the Most Erratic Movies I Have Ever Seen

This movie has really terrific casting, nice selection of locations and often very good directing. But the script is all over the place, and sometimes the direction is a little silly.

The basic problem with the movie is that the foreshadowing hits you over the head. Also, the music is sometimes wrong, particularly around the ending, .

I haven't read many reviews of the movie, but I wonder if Sean Penn was using the characters of the two brothers to work through his own issues about violence.

Speaking of violence, it's interesting that the roles Mortensen is now known best for (Aragorn, Nicolai, Tom) are all characters who could be very violent but generally had control over it. Frank almost never had control over his violent tendencies (though he was sometimes able to control it long enough to take his violent tendencies out on other people).

Laurie Mann
The Road News and Rumors


I do agree that there was something lacking in the story, I felt personally that we did not get close enough to the characters. However, I liked the stylish aspects such as the various shots of the environment that these guys lived in and loved the basketball scene that was in sync with the heartbeat. I'm not sure if you can say that a soundtrack is 'wrong', obviously Sean Penn did not think so, I quite liked it, it was an eclectic mix. I would recommend this film, as its an interesting viewing, but does have its flaws. Also, did anyone notice Benicio Del Toro's appearance?? :@)


Generally, the music was OK, but there was something wrong about the music during the last 10 minutes or so (when the choice of music can be particularly critical).

Yeah, I caught the short appearance of Del Toro, but then I was looking for him.

Laurie Mann
The Road News and Rumors


I've just seen this filmed and loved it, thought the story was good, and i felt the music worked well - in the middle of the film a complete song is played that works with what you're seeing - lyrics "I saw you, coming back to me"

I seem to remember the story is actually based on a song, and i would imagine that song is in the film

I would check but i'm supposed to be working, not watching films :)

The music on the tapes, that heart & soul that we put onto them, that is ours, & you don't own that


I was blown away by the performances, specifically those of Mortensen and Morse, and I loved the movie. However, I do too feel that something was missing, perhaps in the script. While and after watching the film I sensed great potential, and it didnt actually flip off its course to achieve it by a long distance, but the element missing in it left me waiting for something else.


The movie was based on the characters in Springsteen's "Highway Patrolman." In the song, Joe Roberts had a farm, and Frank had come back from a stint in the army. I haven't seen the film yet, so I don't know any similarities past that, nor if the song is in the film.

"you're a handsome devil. what's your name?"
--grosse pointe blank


Cheers Joshzancan, i'll download the song now!

The music on the tapes, that heart & soul that we put onto them, that is ours, & you don't own that
