Somethng about this movie

That makes it enjoyable and very re-watchable. Granted, it isn't an award winner and it's an over the top silly movie. But, I've seen it countless times over the years and am still just as entertained by it as when I first saw it. Also, the movie flies by @ 85 minutes. Definitely one of my favorite movies from childhood and the soundtrack is KILLER too.


i totally TOTALLY agree. the movie just has some kind of ethereal vibe it casts on me. it has a lot of excitement, even though i know the whole time it's tongue in cheek danger. i can watch it over and over lol

to me this movie perfectly represents the fun of that time period of late 80s to early 90s.

it's just a really FUN movie.

Boy, the Og-Man sure can run a line of sh!t, can't he?
