MovieChat Forums > Hook (1991) Discussion > I prefer this Captain Hook over the Disn...

I prefer this Captain Hook over the Disney one

I just hate how the Disney Captain Hook was an easily humiliated buffoon. Hoffman's Hook just seems so more menacing and upperclass, and came off as a real villain.


Yeah I agree. Now in both cases they deliberately made Hook somewhat comedic so as not to scare children (which was their primary target audience), but I think they took it too far in the Disney version. Even as a kid I remember actually feeling somewhat sorry for that Hook because of how pathetic he actually was, and how Peter Pan actually took pleasure in tormenting him in some scenes actually made me dislike Pan to some degree. Perhaps I was taking it too serious, but either way I do think they could have made him a better villain in the Disney film.


I also agree.


Considering his outfit, I once thought this was based off the Disney version.
