
I saw this movie a long time ago, but I have a question in remembering a specific scne. There was a burnett who was driving a car, and Norris' ex-partner, the bad guy, at least i think it was him, blew her braisn out as she was at the red light. I never understood why? Who was she? Could see someone tell me please?

-By the way, this was one of the msot violent films i saw, but I loved when the bad guy is hanging on the rope wth a bomb up his ass! BOOM!!!!11


There was a scene in the hitman as you described although it was'nt his ex-partner who killed her it was one of Luganis men, he had found out that she had been sleeping with Garrett(Norris) and that she may have given up certain information about him and his dealings, hence kill her then Lugani sent Del to wipe out chuck norris.

Love the lines at the end "ain't life a bitch" and "if you feel you have to piss your pants del, just remember to squeeze those cheeks real tight"

A clever person knows all right answers...A wise person knows all the right questions...


What's funny is that there's a mistake during that scene at the traffic light right after the girl is killed. Watch for when there's an overhead view of the crime scene right before the scene ends. If you look carefully you'll notice that there is no traffic light in sight, so they obviously shot the scene in a couple different locations.
