What a pile of trash.

We had a film festival at our school in 2005 and this was one of the films they showed. Save yourself your time, taking a crap is more fun then watching this. Serously, it was terrible. When the director came on to take questions, people were asking him parts of the scene to clarfy and he'd either "not sure what scene your talking about" or "I don't know why I did it like that." I myself asked if he was on drugs at the time of writing, his reply? "Well, the group of buddies we wrote it with, it's kind of a long story but essentialy, yeah, we were"

I hate life after watching this movie.


i lost all hope in humanity after i saw this movie. i swear the director was trying to *beep* kill us with the lame story and crappy crappy acting.

oh, and graveyard sex. not cool. not cool.


Whats wrong with graveyard sex? Anyway, I loved it when I saw it back in 91 or 92.


I found this hilarious! A must see!


you hate life because you have no sense of adventure.


No Message


No dude, that's not it at all. In fact don't assume you know anything about me, in which case you don't therefore making your point NULLED.

This movie was absolutely terrible, like I don't know what to say? The writer admitted he had no idea what he was doing, the acting was so terribly dry and hardly any character development. Everything was so monotonous it was like watching *beep* paint dry. Actually. The plot was intriguing at best but very poorly executed. The fact this movie is hardly known, and exists is a tesitment to its quality. And if you say it was because of a low budget, look at all the low budget movies that take a huge hit on success.

It was just plain bad.
Bad Acting.
Bad Script.
Bad Directing.
Just bad everything.


No Message


Bad doesn't make camp. Napolean Dynamite is a campy movie,i.e., bad but interesting and enjoyable. The plot for Highway 61 is interesting, but the bad acting and bad directing make the movie unenjoyable.


Naw it was a great film. If the director doesn't remember certain things, it's because he made it 15 years prior! forgetting is a natural part of human psychology.

r5a, you need to learn that personal taste is a highly subjective thing. just cause you don't like it, doesn't mean that nobody should! people appreciate different things for different reasons. They have just as much right to their opinions as you do. Anyone who fancies him/herself as the ultimate judge of taste is a fool.



My one complaint about the movie is that the plot didn't have a very logical resolution at the end. It wasn't at all clear what was going on with the drugs and the body and just who that woman was at the end that Bangs was taking the stuff to.

That's admittedly a big flaw, but aside from that I liked the movie very much. I found the characters and the whole situtation intriguing. I thought it had some spark, some undepredictability that made it fresh and appealing. I like the musical history and the regional color.


Well then get off the internet and go take a crap, because this is a very good movie. I just saw it 3 days ago and loved it.


"No dude, that's not it at all. In fact don't assume you know anything about me, in which case you don't therefore making your point NULLED."

You have revealed alot about yourself. Go read a book!
Maybe a how-to on noose making.
There are smart people in the world and you are not one of them!


I thought this movie was great. Got the original Paramount tape for $1 at ABC Video here in Houston.

The Paramount tape has trailers for Brain Donors, Delicatessen, and Time Out: The Truth about HIV, AIDS, and You.


i think i have the same vhs as you by the sound of it

nah its not trash , far from it , but i think this has particular appeal for those who saw it back then

i did , i saw it at a special screening in san fran in maybe 92 , im not sure how i got on to it as i was from england and just bumming around the US ... in any case it did the trick , particularly valerie buhagiar in the female lead , old jackie bangs kicked off an obsession with kooky sassy redheads that gets me in trouble to this day ... ( see also junk mail http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118785/board/flat/140839789 )

the earl pastko satan character is iconic and note perfect , there are loads of great interludes and asides . the tav falco and jello biafra guest scenes likewise are great . this movie also at its heart had a pretty true depiction of musos roadies and music pretension / bullsh!t

it was a low-budget indie , flawed but great fun . it didnt start out from the premise of , say , changing someones world but it told a interesting tale and had enough great moments to easy pass muster

a good road movie by all accounts ... bring on those kooky redheads


I saw it at a film festival in 91 or 92 and I think it's something of a product of its era. I kind of connect it with that whole era's indie film phenomenon. Back when VHS rentals were mostly mainstream new releases, well known classic films and a handful of cult favorites, no streaming, no Netflix and so on. If you wanted to see something offbeat you had to go to an art house.

I thought it was pretty good, especially for its budget.


I agree the director is crap. Reverse sideboob was a complete waste of talent.


Kinda weird movie to be honest. Disjointed and all over the place. But it wasn't as bad as you described.
