Most bizarre sequel ever?

So I finally gave in and watched this after putting it off for years because of it's infamous reputation. Wow, what were the filmmakers thinking?

I've seen a lot of movies (thousands) and I've never encountered a sequel that deviated so far from the formula of the first movie. It's as if they transplanted Lambert and Connery's characters into a completely unrelated story.

I do have to give it some credit. At least they tried something different. Most sequels are just a lazy rehash of the original.




Still cannot believe that anyone involved in this joke of a sequel thought it was gonna be well received !!!

Only good thing was seeing lambert and connery back together !

But jesus christ whoever gave the script the green light , needs sectioned under the mental health act lol


Supposedly the "renegade edition" fixes some of this movie's stupid problems.


Yeah i have heard this but surely it would have to be 99 % different to have any major improvement on the tripe that hit the cinemas back then !


Well they get rid of the whole "alien planet" business and make the immortals originate from Earth in ancient times instead.


It's VERY different, give it a watch.


That's the biggest mystery. Yes, it's good not to repeat the same thing from the original film. But why go so far out of their way into an entirely different genre and throw away your own rules that you established in the first film? (Insert joke about The Rise of Skywalker below here please)


Well, after McLeod makes his choice, and becomes mortal, with all others killed, the story is done. Absolutely.

So, they had to come up with justify a sequel. And...they came up with this. :-)


I agree but a prequel would’ve worked better, the most interesting parts of the first movie were always the flashbacks for me.


i wonder if the original screenplay was not for a highlander film at all and they turned it into a highlander sequel?


No, watch the making of documentary, the script was always intended to be a sequel from scratch.


I had some goodish memories of this from childhood but this is one of these cases where they fail the test of adulthood. It is so cheesy and in an unamusing way... Total cringefest. Nothing makes sense - characters, story, dialogue. Nothing. It is crazy.

There are few good shots, the train scene, as childish as it is, and I liked how they entered into the corporate building. Maybe if it had few more of these, we could have put it in the category of "so bad that it is good", but it is not like that... I was barely able to keep my attention. Somebody put an effort to create a Blade Runner aesthetic on the cheap and I liked what they did with some of the sets, but this ain't helping much.

Only Connory was keeping himself professional. All others were half asleep. Ironside was so over the top... From IMDb's trivia I learn that the actors were conscious about the crap they are in and Ironside was just having fun and not seriously taking his character.



Did you watch the Renegade Version? Which version are you talking about here?


Not sure. Must have been the renegade version.
