Mickey Rouke's Harley

Would anyone be able to tell me what model Harley Mickey Rourke is riding throughout the movie? It looks like it may be a softail night train but I can't tell for certain.


It was a 1989 FXR converted to a rigid.


Does anybody know if there are detailed pictures of this bike available somewhere on the web?


Check this out... www.hotrodbikes.com/features/0306hrb_micekrourke/


You know... You can buy a remake of the bike... Or a remake of the jacket (minus some of the patches) from blackdeathmotorcycles.com

The company was started by Mickey Rourke and Chuck Zito.

...And yes, the original bike in the movie was a chopped '89 FXRS converted to a rigid. If you look close you can see this on the jacket Harley is wearing, on his left breast is the model (FXRS)

Guns don't kill people... I kill people!
