I didn't realize that not only does Mickey Rourke hate this movie but Don Johnson does as well! I saw an interview on his biography and Johnson slams this picture HARD by stating "you won't have to use ONE once of your brain watching this." WOW! I new Rourke had distain for the film but didn't even realize Johnson hated it too!


I love this movie never gets old


That's too bad. I think it's a great movie! I hear Bob Hoskins hates Super Mario Bros. as well, which I thought was also a good movie. I hate it when actors hate movies that I really like!


Nobody thinks Super Mario Bros was a good movie.



Your Best? Losers always whine about thier best, winners go home and *beep* the prom queen.


Speak for yourself. The only gripe people seem to have with it is that's it's not like the games. Big deal


Lol, I say the same thing about Rocky 4 and it's my favorite movie of all time. Just because someone says its a dumb movie, doesn't mean they hate it.


Don Johnson hates almost everything he has ever done. He never seems real thrilled about anything once it is released.

Bring Joebob Briggs & Monstervision back to the air TNT!..X


Bummer, yeah it's not a thought provoking film, but it's fun. I remember watching it in the theater as an 11 year old, I still have a good time when I watch it 20+ years later. I plan, one day, to build or buy a replica of Black Death, Harley's bike. I've never really been a Harley guy (I've always owned Hondas)but that's been a dream of mine since I first saw the film.


I can't blame Don Johnson or Mickey Rourke for hating this film. It's pretty clear from their performances that they weren't giving their all here.

I was expecting this to be cheesy fun, but instead it was a cheesy bore. 5/10 stars at best from me.


Yeah but he cashed in that paycheck didn't he?

Uh baby U 4got to pull out. 9 months later, can U pull this "bleep" baby outta me, do that @ least!



The performances were fine. They've both done far worse



It's a good movie. If it'd been a hit he wouldn't bad mouth it. Don has done much worse than this
