Lovely movie

I just love this movie. It's quite refreshing to watch since the people in it really act and there is actually a story. How sad that we don't find many such deep films today, where the order of the day seems to be special effects and no story whatsoever.
More people should watch this.


I agree. There are flaws in the movie, but nevertheless it's a favourite of mine, not least for the several subtle performances and in particular the realistic sense to the kids parts.


Oh, whatever...

I Just love it because Russell Crowe was naked in it. That man has the most beautiful ass....



That being the case, allow me to recommend 'Virtuosity'. He goes naked in that one too, for one very nice scene.

Let slip the Determined Kitten of Doom!


lol, Crowe is not only already perfect, he's got a great ass... God why have you done this to me?


Yes, and young Alexander Outhred gives an excellent performance; this appears to have been his only movie to date. His name does not even appear on the cover of my copy of the DVd. This movie is well worth watching; 8 marks out of ten.


Sources say he died in 2005.
