Me again

Just wanted to explore some fun words that must have been said while this movie was being made.

"Well, the anime is super violent, so the live action movie shouldn't be."

"Hey you want to see what it looks like to waste a million dollars?"

"Let's include things that ruin this film."

"I think it would be a good idea to have one of the monsters rap."

"What's the best way to disappoint fans?"

"Let's put Linnea Quigley in it."

"Can the score be terrible?"

"I wonder what we'd end up with if we hired unqualified people. Let's do that."

"Let's not miss any opportunity to ruin this thing."

"Hahaha, oh they'll hate that!"


the original cut of the film did have more violence, and a bit less of the pure cheese, but it was still pretty much crap, thank god they made the 2nd and it didnt suck, or else I would've hated steve wang as much as screaming mad george

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
The End Begins Thursday May 24th at 8 pm
