MovieChat Forums > The Five Heartbeats (1991) Discussion > Forgive me for bringing it up again, but...

Forgive me for bringing it up again, but...

Okay, so Tanya and JT had a fling going on, at some point, which they both kept from Duck. I get that part, but there are two things that I never quite understood...

1. Was their 'thing' going on at the same time that Tanya and Duck were together?

2. Why was JT so upset during their rendezvous at the hotel? Is he upset because Tanya was hurting/using his brother while sneaking around with him (see: the first question), or is it the fact that Tanya ultimately wanted to be with Duck instead of him?

What do you all think? Or are these things that are simply left up to our own interpretation?


1). I think their fling was still going on or it was going on up until they announced they were getting married.
2). I think JT was upset because she was still doing him but getting married to Duck and as Duck's brother he felt that her feelings couldn't be real for Duck if she is sleeping with JT. That was a real skank move to be doing 2 brothers.


I always thought that the movie spent too much time suspecting Choir Boy instead of focusing on what happened between Tanya and J.T. I understand that the reveal was intended to be somewhat surprising for the viewers, but that scene and much of the dialogue left most people rightfully confused. There was a lot of foreshadowing regarding the fact that she was a gold digger, but no inkling that she had ever been with J.T. and I think that's the element they were missing.
Anyway, I got the impression that J.T. and Tanya had a secret relationship prior to Tanya getting serious with Duck. I'm assuming that J.T. knew of Duck's feelings towards her and kept it hidden because of that. We already knew that J.T. was scandalous and would steal Duck's girl because of him taking the girl away from Duck in the restaurant scene. Nevertheless, I wish they'd at least alluded to their affair prior to the reveal so we had some sort of history on these two as to when it started and how deep their relationship got. Still a classic though.


This might be off topic, but I never liked or understood why Duck would even look at Tonya again after her and her mother looked down on him earlier in the movie.


Tonya showed interest in Duck after she realised he got famous. Before that she looked down on him. I really ask myself why he would even look at her again but some men are like that, when they love they love and they can't help themselves even though they know the person doesn't really care or is just interested in them for their fame or money.

That's why some older men go with very young women. They know the women just love them for their money, but they're ruled not by their heads. lol

Teenage love affairs are about intensity, not longevity
