On DVD anywhere?

Is this wonderful little piece of filmmaking really not available on DVD anywhere?


I think the world is finally ready for this movie and sent an email to Lionsgate (which used to be Trimark). Needless to say, I haven't received a reply.


I've looked for one. It's one of my roomy's favorite films. All I've found (though it's been awhile since I looked) was a VHS of it going for $75.

Otto: This is intense!
Miller: The life of a repo man is always intense.


There's a used VHS going for $1.95 at amazon.com, plus some others at various prices. No region 1 DVDs available, though.


I'd like to see this. Saw the trailer on a Canadian VHS of Scorchers.


There are used copies of the VHS available at amazon.com. Also, a poster at natasha-richardson.org/boards said someone was going to upload part of it on youtube in a few days.


Hi I just bought the LaserDisc for about $60 plus shipping to Germany. I love this movie. It's hilarious. Does anyone know the intended screen format? The LD is 4:3 - VHS was 4:3 also as I remember. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Greetings from Germany, Jan

