MovieChat Forums > Father of the Bride (1991) Discussion > 22 is still too young. Most of the time...

22 is still too young. Most of the time.

I hate when people say pretentious things like, "I made it work, so that means it must work"

News flash: It doesn't. And I am sure there are plenty statistics to back that up.

Hell, I know a person who got married at 15 and made it work. So does that mean all women should do it? LMAO!


But it also doesn't mean that it WON'T work! I know of plenty of couples who have been with their partners since they were about 15/16 years old. We're all in our mid 40's now, and those couples are still together. I, however, met my first husband when I was 25. We married, but it didn't even make 2 years. I know of plenty of couples like that, too.

I was gonna let you *beep* me, but I got my rag, and I know how you hate a mess


My God. Did you even read and understand my comment or just wanted hear yourself talk? Let me guess, you are a woman who got angry and immediately wanted to blab your mouth without fully taking in the original comment. LMAO! This is why no one take women seriously on professional levels.


I guess it depends on where you live. I married a week before my 24th birthday. In the city I lived in at the time (Orlando) my co-workers thought that was very young, but in my hometown it was bordering on being considered weird (or a lesbian)that I had not yet married. We've been married 16 years. My sister married shortly after this movie came out and she wasn't yet 21; they're still married. Like Annie though, we were both finished with our college and ready to start our lives away from our parents. The average age people get married here (The Deep South) is about 22. It's still not really considered socially acceptable to live together before marriage here. That is probably why we marry younger.

"The end of the shoelace is called the...IT DOESN'T MATTER!"


And let me guess, you're a total misogynist? I did take in your first comment, such as it was, and I took it as I read it. Anger? No, there was no anger in my response. If YOU choose to take it that way, that's YOUR issue, surely?

Professional woman? Yes, I actually run my own business as well as raise two children.
I was gonna let you *beep* me, but I got my rag, and I know how you hate a mess


I think it depends on the couple. Most people I know who got married that young though are now starting to get divorced (we're in our early 30s now). I definitely wouldn't have been close to being ready for marriage at that age.

And yeah, it's ridiculous when people say those things. Especially considering that some of them are STILL only in their 20s. There was a girl on a forum who was talking about how she and her husband got married at 16, and they made it, so it's not a bad idea to get married young. Guess how old this chick was? 22. LOL she thinks she is in a place to say "we made it!" as if they've been together for a lifetime. Idiot, you're TWENTY TWO. Your brain isn't even fully developed yet. You're not even at the advised age for marriage yet.


It depends on how much work the couple is willing to put into it. My husband and I were 19 and 20 when we got married and we are the first to say people should wait until closer to 30. We made it, but we represent a very tiny percentage - we had numerous friends get married in the years after us and they were divorced within five years. He and I are celebrating 14 years this Fall and are very happy together, but marriage is WORK.
