Come on......

I can not be the only person who did not care about this movie yet watched it endlessly because Bradley Gregg is a God!

"Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders."


OMG trust me you weren't. I'm 30 and still have a crush on the man!, peace and chicken grease!


I am 32 and I am feeling you!
He is, always was, and always will be a sexy ass man!
Love him!

Was I born a cute, vindictive little bitch?
Or did society make me that way?


I'm so glad I'm not the only one. It's so funny cause whenever my friends or even my husband asks what famous person I would like to bed, I always answer, Bradley Gregg. To which they all reply, "who"? Then I have to remind them that he was the guy that was killed in Nightmare on Elm Street 3, when Freddy Krueger turned him into a human marionette. I crap you negative, this man still melts my butter!, peace and chicken grease!
