great film

A student of mine was working in a video store and one day asked if I had heard of the film.
I answered no and expressed little interedt in it,figuring it for soft porn, until he told me the plot and said the training scenes were authentic,very similar to what I was teaching him.
So I figured what the heck,its free.
Watched the film and was deeply impressed.The training is from Philipino styles of Escrima.Arnis/Kali particularlt the "X" pattern for practicing cuts and slashes and the knives used in the film are just beautiful.
The final knife fight leaves a bit to be desired but overall a great movie.

"we have magnums"
Hunter S. Thompson


training scenes were authentic,very similar to what I was teaching him

I see this movie attracts people who are into knives and knife fighting. Interesting.
