MovieChat Forums > Ernest Scared Stupid (1991) Discussion > Who agrees this is a good kids movie?

Who agrees this is a good kids movie?

I always loved this movie as a kid, and watching it last night it hit me that there are NO good movies like this anymore...I mean really, anymore there's not much a case of the kids trying to warn the parents and they just don't believe them, and the kids pretty much wind up as the heroes who save the whole town. That's something that you don't see anymore and it was a great theme in movies, horror movies especially...and also last night when I was watching it I thought about how much of a blast it probably was for the kids in the movie to be in it because you wouldn't get a plot like that today, you wouldn't have kids building a treehouse and bombaring people with pet food and pizza through bazookas and droppers and saving the town from the unexplainable scary monsters. That's just good stuff that you're not going to get in movies anymore.


I totally agree

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No, this movie traumatized me as a child. And for me that's saying a lot since I never bat an eye at the actual horror movies. I watched all kinds of scary movies as a youngster, and very few phased me.

I know this one was ridiculous and supposed to be a comedy, but let me tell you... I was 6 when I saw it. I didn't stop looking under my bed for trolls until I was 13. My cousin saw it with me and she was the same way -- couldn't sleep for weeks.

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This was the first movie I saw in theaters, when I was like 4. I totally loved it, and still do to this day. The Monster Squad was another favorite which I rented SO MANY times! Kids movies today are too 'safe'.

"As private parts to the gods, we are- they play with us for their sport!" - Lord Melchett
