MovieChat Forums > Dutch (1991) Discussion > Things I've learned from watching Dutch

Things I've learned from watching Dutch

1. It's okay to punch your girlfriend's ex-husband, whose house she's still living in, in the head with a large ring and he won't press any charges; in fact, he will extend the time both you and the ex-wife gets to stay in his home by six months.


how do you know he didn't press charges later on..? he would have agreed to just about anything after getting his brain rattled like that


2) If Dutch owes you a shot in the backside with a BB gun, sooner or later, the payday will come.

3) Doyle could shred Dutch in a political discussion.

4) Nothing burps better than bacon.

5) You might freeze walking in the snow at night time, but you won't freeze solid.



This movie had too much Al Bundy in it. That's very much like a situation from Married With Children where Al could beat somebody up to get what he wants and face no consequences. If Jr. picked up traits from his Dad you can be sure Dutch would've ended up in jail.



11) call girls boobs make for excellent pillows to slobber on


12) Water looks tasty


Lucky 13) Fords have good brakes ;)


14.) Doyle doesn't have a "Ma." You may have a "Ma." He has a "Mother."

15.) It takes two to make a thing go bad.

16.) Charleston Chews were at one time considered at roadtrip delicacy.

17.) You can kidnap a student, bound to a hockey stick, gagged with briefs, from a prestigious private school in broad daylight with no interference.

18.) A solid economy needs handworkers.



23. Don't surprise someone in their dorm room.
24. You let a young boy walk for miles alone in the snow at night, in the middle of no where.
25. Fire works can mess up your coat.


26. If you attempt to kick a child from ten feet away, you will fall on your back and get hit with your own shoe.

Oooooh... Its good Im Scottish. I'm Scottish. I am Scottish. I can complain about things.


27. You can't beat a good fireworks show.
28. Hotcakes and bacon on a cold day is pretty sexy
29. Doyle is a high brown belt.
30. Dutch's mother was a saint.


30. Dutch's mother was a saint.

For having Puppies.


31) You can let a young boy walk for miles alone in the snow at night, in the middle of no where.....and you don't get arrested later for it.
32) Doyle has "voices" that tell him he needs to kill people.
33) When Dutch and Doyle were robbed and left penniless with no way to get home, they didn't feel the need to call 911 or anything. 911 is for pussies!!


34) There's no better way for two guys to get to know each other better than to spend some time on the road.

My iMDB profile


35.) it's ok to tell kids that you're a stripper, as long as you tell them you only take your clothes off on the top.
