MovieChat Forums > The Doors (1991) Discussion > Nobody Asked, BUT.......

Nobody Asked, BUT.......

I am 54. I was around when Jim Morrison was raising all his ruckus. I'm sure I'll get plenty of "Who asked YOU?" replies, but here is my take. Jim had a life entity, or spirit, or whatever you want to call it, that was way to powerful for his human body. He saw things as none of his peers could and it messed him up. He dealt with it as best he could with alcohol and drugs. Speaking as someone who has needed to get really numb to deal with trauma in my life, I can relate. And I consider my own spirit to be mid to low grade class. With the massive overloads his spirit caused him, I can only imagine what kind of internal stuff Jim had to deal with. Finally, it burnt him up.

If you were observing this nutty planet, would YOU want to make contact?


Go take a shower, you hippie.


And cut your hair too! 😋😄


That is awesome!!! I believe you are right, and you should be a writer!!:)


The way I look at it is like this: if he'd lived long enough, he might have eventually been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Powerful spirit? Too new age-y for me; don't believe in that stuff. But, whatever.


Jet fire. Well said!



Jetfire, you're right. He was a good, a great man, naturally charismatic, a true blues meets rock and roll man. Gentle yet robust, and a pioneer.

It makes me sick how many people, including Americans, have a preconceived idea about what many Americans are- loud without being too introspective, ideas driven without filtering them, that kind of thing. It's all hogwash. Jim Morrison and The Doors were as important to American music as Brian Wilson. And Jim was your sweetheart, not your dark heart.


You say you were 54 in 2014 and were around when Jim was causing his ruckus um I am your age and Jim died when we were 11 so I really don't think you were "around" as in listening and going to Doors concerts now were you???


I was kind of thinking that too.

dies ist meine unterschrift




Maybe he had hippie parents or older siblings who played Doors records and went to their concerts, maybe they even took him to one. Besides, all he said was he "was around when Jim Morrison was raising all his ruckus." All that means is that he was alive & conscious when Jim & The Doors where hot stuff and making headlines, which would include the next several years after Jim bit the dust.


Hey, I was also 54 in 2014! So yes, I was "around" when the Doors were popular, but I was 10 years old when Morrison died so it's not like I appreciated the more out-there bands or even heard them on the cheap little AM radio that was my chief means of exposure to the music of the day. Hell, my single most vivid memory of the popular music of the 1960s was dancing around to "Yellow Submarine", which every kid at my grade school adored.

As for the "powerful spirit" bullshit, hey! Maybe the people with the most powerful spirits are the ones that can deal with reality, or who try to make it a bit better, as horribly flawed as reality is.
