Deleted 'dog abuse' scene

I am old enough to have watched this in the theater.

In the scene where Kenny was getting high with his friends and dog, he blew weed smoke to the dog which made a funny face/bark..the boys said something like 'you got the dog high'!'or words to that effect .... the scene has been scrubbed out for some time now, it is still on VHS copies.


It definitely wasn't on the European VHS tape.

Love this stupid movie though.


Yeah..I posted a similar thread about 8 years ago( the thread is still there!). Someone verified the VHS version.


No more or less abusive than a parent smoking in a car with a child...or someone smoking in a close enough proximity to me so I can smell it.. thus inhaling their second hand smoke.


Yeah it's something that all stoners that own a dog probably have done at some point (can dogs get high?)

I am more curious as to the how,when, why and who made the decision to delete the scene years after it was filmed.


Not sure but I vaguely remember the scene as well. I haven't honestly seen the movie since the VHS days except maybe catching it on HBO every now and then over the years. But honestly now it hardly ever gets played on TV anymore.

It was one of my favorite movies though as a kid..I wore the heck out of that vhs tape.


Except the part when it's humans involved compared to animals.

More people today get upset over seeing and animal treated poorly than a human being.


Interesting. Would’ve been great to see it in the deleted scenes option on blu-ray someday.


its on the DVD
