Oddly Parallels 'Woodchipper Massacre'

OK, so I am pretty sure most of you have never seen "Woodchipper Massacre" from the mid-80's (and even more sure that most of you wouldn't care for it), but I have to point out that there are some VERY similar scenes in the film. W.M. starts off with the parent leaving their 3 kids behind with a really old, crotchety babysitter (actually its their auntie), who winds up dying pretty early on, and there are quite a few scenes that are so similar, I was wondering if DTMTBD was influenced by that film, if not a slight homage? Of course, Woodchipper Massacre takes a much more gruesome turn after the auntie dies... LOL

But if youre a big fan of DTMTBD like I am, it would at least be worth the rental to watch Woodchipper Massacre, just for a really fun and silly comparison study. But keep in mind, this is about as low-budget as horror films get!

