Melissa's bedroom

I loved this movie as a kid and still do,so I showed it to my 7yr old niece and she like the character of Melissa is a tomboy. Anyway she loved the movie and now wants her bedroom to look like Melissa's. My DVD of the movie has since been ruined,so I can't take screenshots of the 2 scenes where they show her room. Can anyone be so kind as to take screenshots and post them here? They briefly show her room,twice in the movie. One near the beginning,when the babysitter puts the dress on Melissa,and later on during the montage of the kids cleaning up the house,they show Sue Ellen giving Melissa a kiss goodnight. The latter shows a better shot of the room. I'd really appreciate it!


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Yep! There really isn't much to her room now that I see a still shot of it. Guess my niece wants pink curtains and a hanging skeleton,lol thank you very much:)


You're welcome. LOL I was going to say.. What the heck did she see that she liked?
