Her eyebrows

Apparently women didn't pluck in the early 90s....yikes!

I voted for Frenchie and Dia like a sex donkey on Xanax.


I loved them.


Since I loathe it when women pluck their eyebrows, I loved seeing Christina with brows wild and free.

If this is a consular ship, where is the ambassador?


I remember Madonna having the same bushy eyebrows around the same time. By 94/95 Drew Barrymore brought ultra thin over plucked eyebrows in. I personally prefer thin but that's because I look terrible with bushy eyebrows. Christina Applegate looks good with them though IMO.


It was a "thing" back then, right? The Madonna thing ha ha.

Anyway, I think Christina pulled off the look with her stunning features.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!
