Jesus, the mother was a BITCH!

You would think after 2 months on vacation, she would come back rested, relaxed. OH NO! The second she returns home, she flips a *beep* because there is some high-end get together at her house. She should have been flattered, the kids made that house look better than it ever had before. While she was running things, there was crap all over the stairs. I think Sue Ellen was just fine being in charge and wish the mother would have taken another vacation, this one permanent.

I mean, the kids were all dressed up nice, Sue Ellen was fashionable, even Kenny was wearing a dress shirt and pants and had his hair slicked back. It was a huge change of pace and the mom has a problem with her house and kids looking nice. Pfft!

"I'm not a doctor...I'm a funeral director" - Hiram Baker



And she showed up unexpectedly and earlier than she was suppose to at night. She could've called and gave them a heads up. Not to defend the kids, but did she possibly think after being gone for two months time stopped? She WAS GONE FOR 2 MONTHS! There was bound to be changes for good and bad.



It still is her house and she's the adult. She doesn't need to call and give them a heads up.

Be Young. Be Dope. Be Proud.


Technically true but wouldn't it be prudent to let them know that she was coming home early and at night so they don'tget startled when the door opens.


No the children were dumb.


Of course she's going to get upset. They failed to tell her that the babysitter died. She was upset that they were keeping such a huge secret from her.


She wasn't upset the babysitter died, she didn't even know the babysitter died.


Because the was a huge party going on at her house? How would you expect a parent to respond to that? "Oh I guess my five 10-17 year old kids are having all these strangers over to MY house. Don't worry kids. Finish up whatever you're doing." I honestly think there's something wrong with you if you don't understand that and I would want to keep my distance because you have no distinction between right and wrong.

The really reason she's a terrible person is leaving for 2 months in the first place. Obviously.


Because the was a huge party going on at her house? How would you expect a parent to respond to that?

This wasn't Sue Ellen's friends over for a house party or Kenny's dead head buddies over head banging and tearing the place up, that said the response from the mom should've been shock and disbelief, because you walk onto something like that and exactly what the hell IS going on? This isn't a bunch of teenagers having a good time, these are adults in business clothes seated in the back yard, like a ceremony's going on.


Exactly! It wasn't a kegger with teens passed out in the lawn. People were dressed in business suits and there was a string sextet (can't remember how many musicians there were).

While I can imagine her being upset at strange people being at her (much improved) house, it would've been more realistic for her to hang back and assess the situation first instead of barking first. Same thing with Bryan. Did he not see something was going on with all the parked cars when he was driving up in his Clown Dogmobile? What a putz.


For the sake of the movie's ending, it worked perfectly to have the mom freak out like that, and I don't think it's inaccurate that she would react in that way. In real life, any parent would think it's absolutely weird that their kid turned their home into a freakin fashion expo while they were away on vacation. I mean, what else do you think the parent is thinking they got up to apart from that? Could be just the tip of the iceberg.

Even though the place looks spectacular, it's still breaking all the rules that the mother left in place. Maybe some parents would wait in the wings before confronting their kids privately, but it sounds like she wanted answers now.

Also, without her getting mad, we wouldn't have had the showcase ending where swell is forced to spill her guts in front of the whole crowd. It worked naturally.

Tbf to the mom, it does show her being amazed when she actually looks around the house and see's the change. And she doesn't freak out anymore once she finds out what was really going on.

Motown, get your Detroit jukebox jheri curl ass in this chicken sh!t chop-chop, ASAFP!
