MovieChat Forums > Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead (1991) Discussion > The burnt waffles they kept eating in th...

The burnt waffles they kept eating in their dirty house.

Made me sick.
I also cant get the part where Sue Ellen pours the milk in that big bowl with the cereal out of my head.


What- were you an only child with a domestic mom who used to cut the crusts off your PB&J sandwiches and have freshly baked cookies waiting for you when you got home from school?

Or did the nanny handle that?



I don't think you have to be a privileged snob raised by nannies to want a clean house and non-burnt waffles. That being said, those parts of the movie didn't gross me out, it was realistic. But your response is rude and unwarranted.

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes


I think his response was funny and well placed.


What- were you an only child with a domestic mom who used to cut the crusts off your PB&J sandwiches and have freshly baked cookies waiting for you when you got home from school?

Or did the nanny handle that?

lol yup must of been babied too much



The cereal thing isn't so bad, but the burnt waffles always confused me. At some point even the youngest one would even be like "hey Sue...I think the toaster is set too high"...

When you're 17 a cow can seem dangerous and I alone here?


Kenny was making the waffles from scratch in a waffle iron .... So he hadn't really learned yet from Julia Child's show .... he just left them too long common mistake for first timers im sure :)


That was midway through though, before that they were definitely frozen toaster waffles lol


The POINT you missed is that they have gone from a situation of minimal parenting, to no parenting. The dirty house is a key element of the plot. The burned waffles were a key element of the plot. As Kenny finally tries to do something, instead of a horrible cliche montage, the film actually brilliantly shows him slowly taking on responsibility and self-improvement. He doesn't magically make perfect waffles the first time, even having stayed up all night. A scene later you still see him eating partially burned waffles. It isn't until they are really getting their act together that you see Kenny presenting some perfectly cooked ones.

It's actually brilliant comedy and filmmaking. I'm sorry you can't see that. This film is multitudes better than people give it credit for.


nasty slobs they were. the poor Mom.

Graham Hess: There is no one looking out for us. We are all alone.


I understand this movie, even though some people today will not understand.

The only parent in the house is overworked and exhausted has left on well needed vacation for the summer. The hired help dies suddenly. The kids who acted spoiled now have to cook and clean and financially support themselves. They obviously aren't going to do those things perfectly, now are they?! Can it not be more simpler than this? And yet people do not understand a movie and instead be offended by anything.

I myself found the attempts to take care of themselves to be the comedy that it is supposed to be.

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