MovieChat Forums > Delicatessen (1992) Discussion > funny scenes (spoiler warning)

funny scenes (spoiler warning)

Besides those already mentioned, anyone finds these scenes so funny?
1. Before Louison and Julie's first date in her apartment, Julie got rid of her glasses and tried to rehearse the whole thing in detail: welcome him in, leading him to the table, serving him tea, etc. Only later he decided to take the other seat, and then it became a mess. Julie's expression was so funny:)
2. Near the end when they were stuck in the bathroom, Louison turned to Julie and said "There is only one thing left to do", then stripped her clothes. Julie closed her eyes and waited for what she thought was about to come, only to find out it's not the "one thing" she was waiting.

I didn't pay attention on these scenes at the first time, but laughed so hard the second time i saw it.
