MovieChat Forums > Defending Your Life (1991) Discussion > Why was Prince Valiant sent back?

Why was Prince Valiant sent back?

At the Past Lives Pavilion, Julia discovers that she used to be Prince Valiant, but for her to exsist, he had to be rejected, and since the hoopla is all about fear, why...JUST WHY was he rejected and sent back to Earth?


I never thought of that.
I guess it was just an oversight.
A way to show that she was just as noble in her past lives as well.


I (and others) have mentioned it before on this board. We aren't really supposed to notice. It was simply another gag just to show how "superior" Julia was in comparison to Daniel.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?




the scene cut off early. shortly after the the horse bucks, PV sees the archers, soils his armour, and runs defeated back to the castle where his father in his shame puts PV to work at the local inn cleaning the stables. PV dies in a drunken stupor when he is so drunk he passes out face down in a pool of pig vomit.


It could certainly be a "plot device" as some have suggested - but remember even Diamond (Rip Torn) said he had been to Earth six times before moving on. I consider that Julia may have had five or six previous lives as well - including some fairly impressive ones - and now she was ready to move on.


What if the modern world is moving on? Those who died in the modern world must overcome fear, but maybe that is just the very last step for a soul before moving past earth. Prince Valiant, although brave, had to pass another personality test before moving to the modern world where he is a woman tasked with proving she has no fear (which she passed easily because she was freakin Prince Valiant).

Daniel might even have passed his test as the native, but because he was a coward even back then had a much tougher time passing his fear test in his modern form.

This way (as I mentioned in the Hitler thread) if a person is completely broken, as in a murderer or sociopath, he/she can be sent back to prehistoric times to re-develop their soul from the beginning.

We are the children of children and we live as we are shown- "Joe vs. The Volcano"


Because of the do.


Maybe on the inside, he had some hang-ups that he never really conquered despite his outward appearance of bravado.


He is a fictional character?

Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something.


We lost Germany. We lost France. If we lose today we won't get to fight another.
I know the pressure on you is enormous.
Two minutes to drop.
It's all right to be scared.
Remember, there's no courage without fear.
Master Sergeant Farell - Edge of Tomorrow

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
