Best Death Ever!!!

There is no way to refute that the death of the hypnotist by diving into the giant pairs of scissors and being stabbed through his body by numerous points is not only the best but funniest death you've ever seen in a movie.


Unfortunately, with the low buget that Branagh managed to get on the film, the death of the hypnoist by diving onto the pair of giant scissors, which looked really fake and flimsy, that did become the funniest death scence in a movie, but I do have to say the ending was fantastic, because I really didn't pick that Grace would actually shoot Mike.



The death scene was fantastic and quick-witted. Even though the giant scissor sculpture was flimsy, I still cringed at the thought that he was diving stomach first onto a sharp, scissor sculpture. It was a very thrilling scene!

I didn't expect Grace to shoot Mike, either.


I love the way Wayne Knight's character just stares at the dead body and goes, "whoa!" Frigging hilarious, and just what I would have done.

"Now get your patchouli stink out of my store!"


i loved the ending, didn't care about the budget being low. but yeah, that whoa was great!

it's black, a pastel black really


Eh. Scarface was the best death ever, but that was pretty good. Kind of implausible but still pretty disgusting.

"Say hello to my little friend!"


I personally wouldn't call it the best death scene ever, but Franky buying it on the scissors just about maxes out the Unintentional Comedy Meter. Great stuff!


lmao i saw this movie AGES ago,and found that death scene hilarious.was thinking bout it 2day,cudnt remember the name of the kool i found this,gonna get the dvd asap



I don't think the death of Frankie was meant to be funny OR serious... it was clearly meant to be over-the-top and garish. Which can be horrible or funny, or both.

I'm amazed at how many people just didn't "get" the mood and style of this movie - it was supposed to be pure fun, occasionally over-the-top and unrealistic (it's about reincarnation for heaven's sake!), but also with some genuine scares. But then again, when you still have some people sniffing "This movie was ridiculous - it was about reincarnation!" well, then they're never going to get the point.

Same goes for the music... it was SUPPOSED to be emphatic and obvious, people! It was not supposed to be subtle! (although in fact at times it was)

Granted, the use of slo-mo at the end (which is a Branagh convention I've never liked) just added to the "over the top" aspect, but it wasn't out of keeping with the tone of the rest of the movie.


Perfect kharma, I would say.


Although I didn't find the death scene funny at all ( but I thought it was a most clever one for this movie ) . I did agree with poster Verbal-17 however I also cracked up laughing a bit and only because it was the same exact reaction I had to the following scene that one of the characters had to the same scene too . It was when after the death scene they cut to the character " 'Piccolo' Pete Dugan " ( played by actor Wayne Knight ) looking into the camera and said " WHOA " ( such a memorable moment for this movie lol ) . Thanks njmeadowlanders for your subject post .


Yeah, then the very next shot Mike Church is hiding behind Grace like a little sissy. Branagh should have hired another actor to play Church/Roman. Him playing an American Detective doesn't feel right. It feels like an Irish man playing an American and doing a poor job at it. Even his American mannerisms seemed forced and over the top.

“Wait a minute, wait a minute. You ain’t heard nothin’ yet!”
