Vincent's performance

Did anyone else out there (ie, the "Vincent D'Onofrio Estrogen Brigade") nearly black out during the scene when a very toned Vincent shows up in the family kitchen, shirtless? I believe my exact words were, "OH BABY! COME TO MAMA!"



I have to tell you queenbead, I laughed for about five minutes at the comment (i.e. the "Vincent D'Onofrio Estrogen Brigade".) I didn't know there was one, but I have to admit, he was HOT in some of his movies and I still think he is rather handsome. However, I would say now that smart is sexy as I am getting older. Estrogen Brigade, what a riot.


I love that "Vincent D'Onofrio Estrogen Brigade" I am a proud member of that!!!
Yeah I was comatose for about an hour after that scene!!! I love Vincent he is so damn fine and a brilliant actor, I haven't seen this film for some time will have to hunt down a copy.

God sent us an angel from the heavens above and called him Wentworth Miller




May I put the VDO Estrogen brigade line on a T-shirt?


Proud member myself. That movie is on my "next four for the collection" list. VDO Estrogen Brigade-LMAO!!


I am proud to say that I am one of Vincent's Vixens myself. I love eye candy as much as any other woman with a pulse, but, what makes Vincent D'Onofrio so special is that his sebsual appeal is increased by his supern acting skills.

You may love him or hate him, but you can never ignore him when he is onscreen and that is what characterizes the great actors from the mediocre ones!I didn't think of Charley as socipathetic, but, on the contrary, he was the one member f the family unwilling to close his eyes to the truth unlike the rest of the family.

I think that his instincts made him more human than the emotionally cold brother who returned from college, and who, ironically, was far more like the father than the other brothers.


vincent really made this movie very interesting, w/o him i don't think i would have enjoyed it at all. holy god, his body! wow he used to have a such a good bodu..RAWR! haha i love VDO..amazing actor and not to mention very tasty


I think I'm burning alive from all the heat flashes, somebody get me out of here.
