Which One?

The Critters films were the first, and only, horror movies I watched when I was young. Being slapped with a wave of nostalgia, I've been wanting to check them out again...needless to say, a very difficult task. I found the first one, I remember the second one vaguely but the third isn't ringing a bell. Any scenes that might help me remember?


The main girl knocks a bunch of critters over with a bin like a bowling ball. They crash into the air with the sound of pins being knocked down.

"Catatonics are so easy to possess."
- Patient X


the critters take over an apartment building and at one point set it on fire

you might also remeber Leonardo Dicaprio was in it


There are no noface bounty hunters in this one.


Can't believe the film was only 20 years old when this thread started... now 30. :S
