Beals sings in this?

I read that she does. Anyone know?


yes she sings. wether or not its her voice im not sure. i'll check the credits.

It's cute how you think I'm listening


i just read the credits. yes she sings. (and not half bad).

It's cute how you think I'm listening


Man... I collect stuff like this. Have you ever seen this movie for sale? On DVD? Never seen a soundtrack, unfortunately.

Thanks for letting me know, though!


Nope, for some reason they will not put it out on DVD. I check about twice a year because it's such an awesome movie, and I would love to add it to my collection.


I wish it would get a DVD release. I've copied my VHS copy onto DVD and live with that for now.

I did find the soundtrack on CD from a seller on Amazon, though. Just do a search for Blood and Concrete on Amazon and it comes up, the CD goes for 10 bucks and it's well worth it if you're a fan of the movie.


Cool, thanks


Yes, Jennifer Beals sings a song in this movie. And you can download the MP3 for free here:


For your information, the music by metal band of her ex-boyfriend, is by thrash metal band Nuclear Assault (from the album Survive). The band in the film doesn't play it live.
